AAF News

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2023-08-12 14:56:31 UTC

State of the Archive

A decent week! We're steadily gaining new users and have a pretty good participation in both the weekly challenges and the Review Hunt! I'm so happy you're all here. Anyway, we're still occasionally running into indexing errors, etc, so if you go to use the site and it throws you an error, it's not an instability issue, just a minor bug we're still chasing. Everything's safe in the database.

Weekly Challenge #14: Wind and Water

Ever have someone show up on your doorstep when you had no idea they were coming? Or how about that time you were cruising that nebula and suddenly a warship decloaked. Or what happened that time someone actually stood up at a wedding and interrupted?

Anyway, your challenge is to write between 100 and 700 words about unexpected appearances, as prompted by DaraOakwise. And when you post it to the archive, tag it Weekly Challenge: Unexpected Appearances

This challenge ends on 8/18 at 11:59PM Eastern.


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2023-08-05 21:20:24 UTC

State of the Archive

Generally, still moving. We're still getting to the bottom of the issue that has a background process shutting down unexpectedly, but that's relatively minor and more annoyance than anything else. Especially for an archive our size. Things have been going great on Discord, with interesting discussions about future sociology, whether we do or don't like musicals and it's been great seeing new people come in, too! We're very welcoming, so stop on by!

July Review Hunt Winners and August Review Hunt!

Our winner for the July Review Hunt was BeatriceOtter, who scored over 20,000 points, an absolutely astronomical effort! Following right up, though, was hoodwinked with over 17,000. Both of them did a stellar job. Now, with August's Review Hunt underway, let's see how we do! Right now, things are slow to start, so if you want to join in, drop me a line just about anywhere and I'll add you to the list!

Weekly Challenge #15: What's Left Behind

What do we leave behind? Either as we move to another stage in life, or as we leave it all for whatever comes after. A feeling or an object or a letter. Or anything. Write a story between 100 and 700 words -- I mean it this time, Gibraltar! XD -- talking about just that. Interpret it as strictly or as loosely as you like. Add it to the Weekly Challenges collection on the archive and tag it Weekly Challenge: What's Left Behind.

Challenge closes on 8/11 at 11:59PM Eastern!


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2023-07-30 01:43:06 UTC

Everything's going good! We have a few snaffus when we do our server maintenance, but I think it'll turn out okay. Still if the archive acts a little funny, just wait until I can cycle it and it'll start behaving again. In the meantime, we've had some excellent stories added to the archive, so go browse and maybe leave a review!

Weekly Challenge #14: Wind and Water

For this week's challenge, let's do something environmental; write between 100 and 700 words under the theme of wind and water! Stranded on an ocean world? Or just caught in the riptide of memory? Interpret as liberally or strictly as you like! When you post it to the archive, add the freeform tag Weekly Challenge: Wind and Water.

Challenge ends on 8/4 at 11:59PM Eastern!

August Review Hunt Signup

Time to sign up for August's Review Hunt! First prize is Paypal (or similar) or a color portrait of a character of your choice (doesn't need to be a Trek character), second prize is Paypal or a black-and-white portrait of a character of your choice.

I am also reasonably negotiable if you're interested in saving up "wins" for multiple months for a full piece of artwork, like something full-body.

So, feel free to comment on this post if you want to join in, or hit the emoji on our Discord, or however you like!


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2023-07-22 21:31:48 UTC

All's well!  Things have kind of quieted off on the posting/archiving front, but remain apace in terms of our Discord and our weekly challenges!  The Review Hunt is also going great, with people racking up points on their way to winning the month's two offered prizes, too!  Not much else to say, except it's great to see the archive and community active and I'm looking forward to seeing more and more of your creativity.

Weekly Challenge #13 - Altered States

Your challenge this week, should you accept it, is 100 to 700 words about altered states!  Be they altered states of body, consciousness, energy, thought-- interpret this as strictly or loosely as you like!

When you're done, consider posting it on the archive with the freeform tag Weekly Challenge: Altered States and to the Weekly Challenge collection!

Challenge ends on 7/28 at 11:59PM Eastern!


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2023-07-08 18:11:57 UTC

Okay, so listen up. This is important.

A lot of people coming to Ad Astra have never been a part of the Ad Astra community back when we were still running on eFiction. They're new authors from AO3, especially, who are used to a certain kind of culture and looking for alternatives to AO3; that culture is often far more passive in its consumption and less interactive in general. While AO3 is an incredible resource, it's not really a fan community. That's not meant as a disparagement; AO3 serves its intended purpose (maybe even too well) of being a place where everyone can safely archive stories. It is not, though, a social platform, nor was it meant to be.

Ad Astra is, by contrast, a community. When you're over here archiving your stories frantically, distressed by what's happening with OTW, you're stepping foot into a place with a very long history that has been kept alive by a relatively small number of people who love it. Who have paid for its survival for years, even when we were broke and literally scraping change together from the core community to keep afloat. Even when we were quiet. Even when we lost two of our own to death by illness. And even when it felt hopeless.

We have been, for almost fifteen years, a circle of people -- sometimes larger, sometimes smaller, sometimes just a few die-hards -- telling each other stories and celebrating each others stories around a campfire. This is what you're coming into.  So I need you, the new people, to understand that you aren't owed this space. We invite you (general you) into it, and we will gladly -- joyfully -- fold you into our community, but you aren't entitled to this. If you want it to survive, if you want the efforts of those of us who have poured incredible hours of time and money and effort into this just so we could offer it to you for free to continue, then do your part to keep it alive. Celebrate your fellow authors. Write comments. Write recs. Talk on the forums, join a rewatch, host a rewatch. Join the weekly challenge. Get involved.

(And, you know, follow my tagging rules and stop trying to sneak around them. LOL! I see you. If it's not useful for universal search filtering, it doesn't belong on the archive and I will cull it with glee. XD)

Any fan community starts and ends with its people, not with its platform. I know you like the platform. Now come and celebrate the people, and let us celebrate you, too. Thanks.


Weekly Challenge #11: One Reality Over

For this challenge, you get to take a look at a 'turn right' AU. Or left. Or backwards. Pick a canon moment or a moment in the lives of a character, one of your OCs or even just in the universe and explore, in 100 to 700 words, what might have happened if it played out differently. If a different person stepped in front of the disruptor fire. Or if someone had a nightmare and backed out of that assignment. The sky's the limit; interpret however liberally or strictly as you like!

If you post it to the archive, add it to the Weekly Challenges collection with the tag Weekly Challenge: One Reality Over and post a link on the Discord thread so we can go see! Challenge ends at 11:59PM Eastern on Friday, July 14th!

Also: Special thanks to Beatrice_Otter for compiling about ninety percent of the stories archived section of our newsletter on other platforms while I kept settling into my new job.  That was amazing and thank you so much, Beatrice, for the help!


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2023-07-02 04:43:28 UTC

Everything has been busy busy. Everything's going okay, though I would like to remind new folks to read the posting rules under the FAQs, because we're not AO3 and follow a different set of tagging rules. The June Review Hunt is over, with Gibraltar and David Falkayn as our winners. Congrats, fellas!

The July Review Hunt is now open. All you have to do to participate is sign your name/penname up for it, since largely it's automated. Reviews 15+ words count, with the same points modifiers as usual. IE, 100-199 being +10, 200-299 +20, etc, and then +50 for any first review on a story over twenty-five words and +25 for any second. So, if you want to join, let me know somewhere and I'll add you to the list.

No weekly challenge this week.


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2023-06-24 15:49:22 UTC

State of the Archive

Busy week this week!  We had a bunch of new people coming over and posting, others archiving older stories and a decent amount of very excellent discussion over on Discord.  Folks also seem to be falling in more comfortably with our posting/tagging rules, which is a great thing for archive searchability.  We do still have a Review Hunt going on for the next week, so your chance to win art and/or cash is still on the table, too!  Literally any review you write is eligible, so paste their links into the form as you write them!  Next month I'll be able to somewhat automate that process, but for now, this is what it's gotta take.

Weekly Challenge #10

For this week, write a story between 100 and 700 words about a sensory event or even just a day in the sun or rain. Can be extra-sensory, can be just plain old atmospheric, can involve any of the senses (and then some!) Interpret the prompt as literally as you like or a figuratively as you like, then submit your response to the Weekly Challenge Collection on Ad Astra: https://beta.adastrafanfic.com/collections/weeklychallenges

Use the additional (freeform) tag Weekly Challenge: Sensory Processing

Challenge closes on June 30th at 11:59P, Eastern.


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2023-06-17 17:48:16 UTC

Our archive’s header has been updated thanks to enabling by SolarisOne. >.>  I don’t know anything about that.

In more serious news, we’ve had an incredibly busy week!  As you can see, we’ve had a lot of new people join us, bringing over stories to archive.  We’ve had some new faces on our chat server starting with a D, too!  I’ve added some community resources under the Community Toolbox FAQ.  If you’re planning on joining us, please read the tagging/posting FAQs/Rules, as we are very much not AO3 about that.

All in all, the archive is running well.  I’ve got kudos up and working correctly, finally, and while we still have some minor annoyances (the times/dates populating incorrectly on dashboards or browsing pages), everything’s running stable right now and should continue to indefinitely.

There is still a Review Hunt going on until the end of the month: A chance to win art or cash!  Right now, Gibraltar and DavidFalkayn are the only participants, come give them a run for the money!

Weekly Challenge #9 - Juneteenth

Our writing challenge this week is in honor of Juneteenth and is therefore the celebration of Black Star Trek characters.  So, write a piece between 100 and 700 words in honor of the holiday and the amazing Black characters we’ve gotten from Trek over the decades and add it to our archive collection!

Author Interview with daraoakwise

Come and get to know our first victim interviewee, @daraoakwise, who currently writes in the AOS universe and has lots of interesting insight to share!


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