AAF News

Post Header

2023-07-22 21:31:48 UTC

All's well!  Things have kind of quieted off on the posting/archiving front, but remain apace in terms of our Discord and our weekly challenges!  The Review Hunt is also going great, with people racking up points on their way to winning the month's two offered prizes, too!  Not much else to say, except it's great to see the archive and community active and I'm looking forward to seeing more and more of your creativity.

Weekly Challenge #13 - Altered States

Your challenge this week, should you accept it, is 100 to 700 words about altered states!  Be they altered states of body, consciousness, energy, thought-- interpret this as strictly or loosely as you like!

When you're done, consider posting it on the archive with the freeform tag Weekly Challenge: Altered States and to the Weekly Challenge collection!

Challenge ends on 7/28 at 11:59PM Eastern!


Post Header

2023-06-17 17:48:16 UTC

Our archive’s header has been updated thanks to enabling by SolarisOne. >.>  I don’t know anything about that.

In more serious news, we’ve had an incredibly busy week!  As you can see, we’ve had a lot of new people join us, bringing over stories to archive.  We’ve had some new faces on our chat server starting with a D, too!  I’ve added some community resources under the Community Toolbox FAQ.  If you’re planning on joining us, please read the tagging/posting FAQs/Rules, as we are very much not AO3 about that.

All in all, the archive is running well.  I’ve got kudos up and working correctly, finally, and while we still have some minor annoyances (the times/dates populating incorrectly on dashboards or browsing pages), everything’s running stable right now and should continue to indefinitely.

There is still a Review Hunt going on until the end of the month: A chance to win art or cash!  Right now, Gibraltar and DavidFalkayn are the only participants, come give them a run for the money!

Weekly Challenge #9 - Juneteenth

Our writing challenge this week is in honor of Juneteenth and is therefore the celebration of Black Star Trek characters.  So, write a piece between 100 and 700 words in honor of the holiday and the amazing Black characters we’ve gotten from Trek over the decades and add it to our archive collection!

Author Interview with daraoakwise

Come and get to know our first victim interviewee, @daraoakwise, who currently writes in the AOS universe and has lots of interesting insight to share!
