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Part 1 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 1: The Eye of the Beholder

Chapter 11: SBA Episode 1, Scene 9: Song Tea


Yui Song serves tea to Skip Howard

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                                
Episode 1: Eye of the Beholder
Scene 9: Song Tea


Song Tea


“Song…” Skip Howard started, only to be interrupted.

“I am disinclined to discuss my decision to remove General Krank from your care.” Yui Song had a cold expression and a dismissive sound.

“Captain, you are intervening in a medical and psychological situation that you may not fully understand - and at the risk…” Howard raised his voice over Yui’s attempt to interrupt him again: “And at the risk not only to the General’s recovery, but of provoking a diplomatic incident by contravening Chancellor Martok’s specific instructions with regard to his care.”

“Captain Howard, I will not allow that betazoid doctor of yours to continue to torture this man!”

“Are you certain you sufficiently understand klingon physiology and psychology to make such a determination?” Skip Howard took a breath, deliberately calming himself. “Krank is not human, Song. You cannot apply human medical and psychological standards to him. At least, please fully read Doctor Uto’s analysis before you endanger our patient further.”


Yui Song bit off a retort and deliberately calmed herself. She turned away from Captain Howard. The man had gotten under her skin - he was far less than half her age and while he was far from the only human male in Star Fleet to wear feminine cosmetics, he was the only human male command officer she had ever seen do so - or senior officer, for that matter. He made no pretense or excuse for having gotten his command almost exclusively by way of nepotism. Yui could not allow any of these annoyances to influence her decision. She walked to the replicator as much to give herself time to calm down and think as for refreshment: “Green tea, personal blend, slightly sweet, warm… Service for two.”

The platter that materialized appeared to be made of delicate, intricate china - two empty teacups and a small teapot. “Have a seat, please, Skip,” she said, then carried the tea service to a side table between two chairs in a far corner of her office. She sat and slowly, deliberately - almost ceremoniously - poured out two cups of tea. She did not look up at Captain Howard until she placed a cup on the tea service in front of him.

“Please accept my apology, Captain Howard. While I am the senior captain here, I am not certain I have the authority to overrule you when it comes to General Krank’s care. And I do not doubt your motives or your belief in Doctor Uto’s methods. I will review his recommendations more carefully. Until then, may I offer a compromise? I still believe that spending time with Captain Carter, whom Krank both admires and likes, is strongly therapeutic for him. You saw how he reacted to her - one war hero to another. I will allow you to transfer Dr. Uto to the U.S.S. Escort to monitor General Krank’s condition and intervene, if medically necessary.”

Captain Howard closed his eyes and buried his nose into his steepled fingers - which action brought Captain Yui’s attention to his matching lavender eye-shadow and fingernail polish. Skip Howard took a couple of deep breaths, then reached for his teacup. The tiny cup did not have a handle. The delicate floral design on the cup had colors that complemented his nail polish. He held the teacup in his fingertips, raised it, then looked into Captain Yui’s eyes. She lifted her cup as well.

“Thank you, Song. Your apology is unnecessary, but very much appreciated. I agree with your comments about Captain Carter - being around her is good for him. I will counsel Dr. Uto to develop a somewhat less aggressive treatment regimen and dispatch him to the Escort to monitor Krank’s condition.” Howard raised his teacup and he and Yui drank simultaneously. He made an appreciative noise.

“On one condition…” Howard continued, unexpectedly.

Yui Song looked up, deliberately and easily disciplining her apprehension from her expression.

“You absolutely must transfer a copy of your tea service program to the Beagle.” Skip Howard smiled and set his empty teacup next to the teapot. 

Yui Song smiled and poured him and herself another cup. “Ancient family recipe - a bit of a secret, I’m afraid. But in the interest of friendship, I will provide you a copy of the program, conditional on your promise to not share the recipe with anyone else.”

