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Part 2 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 2: Astral Traveler

Chapter 14: SBA Episode 2, Scene 14: The 16th Fleet


The 16th Fleet is reconstituted.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                                
Episode 2: Astral Traveller
Scene 14: The 16th Fleet


The 16th Fleet


General Krank was an unusually quiet natured klingon, preferring to observe and assess rather than boisterously joining and dominating any conversation. He had not always been this way. It was part of an enormous personality shift following his years of torture and reprogramming at the hands of the changelings. A coping strategy he had developed and now considered an asset.

In fact, it was more reflective of the man than the facade of boisterous klingon bravado he had previously employed to fit in. As a warrior, he won because he took his time, observed and assessed the situation, and applied his assets strategically. Even in hand-to-hand combat.

On the surface, General Krank was the celebrity of this banquet - easily the most famous person in the room. Kawa, the klingon chef, had been tapped to provide the cuisine and had blended authentic klingon foods for the general with more human-influenced dishes designed to provide klingon dishes that were appetizing to (or at least safely edible for) humans, along with some authentic bajoran foods that had also become favorites among humans. 

The absence of any indigenous human cuisine was one of many subtle markers of human dominance, even this far from Earth. Most of the attendants were human, but more subtly, in a way, all the cuisine was human cuisine, meaning there was no need for hamburgers or potatoes. Human culture was the ultimate cannibal. It ate other cultures whole and crapped out more human culture. It was not lost on Krank that by selecting him, his culture and cuisine as the celebrity for this banquet, all of these were not-so-subtly subsumed into human culture.

Kawa was aware of this too. He had become the klingon humans felt comfortable around. Which spoke of his emotional control and intellect. The klingon chef and the klingon general communicated their understanding to each other by not communicating at all. No eye contact. No acknowledgement of each other’s presence at all. It was the most eloquent communication they could have managed.

Perhaps most damning of all, no humans were involved in planning this banquet. It was planned by Colonial Kira Nurys and her new Star Fleet 2nd in command, a bolian named Voll Waht. The additional labor was all provided by the Bajoran Army. And the humans didn’t notice it at all. 

Except, perhaps, Rhonda Carter, who might have garnered some inkling by paying attention to the klingons. 

Another bolian was the next to arrive - Lt. Cmdr. Zizira Gross introduced herself to Captain Carter. Krank was grateful that Carter’s attention was now demanded for developing her relationship with her new executive officer.

The humans showed up last. Another subtle signal of their understated dominance. Skip Howard and his father were completely relaxed. Captain Yui Song and Vice Admiral Ho were more reserved, but having gotten a sense of Captain Yui, Krank could see that she was more relaxed, even happy, in a guarded way. 

Sakura Nakamura Holland and her husband, Commander Dutch Holland, took seats next to the Howards and were quickly engaged in lively, light-hearted conversation with Captain Howard and his father.

Major Janet Carter, now in U.S. Marine dress blues, found a seat on the other side of Krank from her cousin. The concept of dress uniforms for formal occasions seemed odd to the elderly klingon general. But the large, muscular African American woman was no less impressive in dress blues. She was, in much more than skin color, the polar opposite of her older cousin - alert, erect, naturally intimidating because of the precision of her movements combined with evident athleticism. A trained and tested warrior.

Admiral Ronald Howard XII was the last to arrive. He was not an intimidating man in appearance - he had the same warm, irrepressible smile as his son and grandson and was rather slight of build. But he completely owned everything and everyone in the room, the entire space station and pretty much anything else nearby. Not smug, but entirely self-possessed.

“General Krank,” the admiral said, “We are very grateful for your company and I hope you will accept my personal thanks for looking after my grandson and for agreeing to share in his adventures.”

Admiral Howard was not asking Krank for a speech. Just providing the opportunity.


Krank stood up. 

“Admiral, I lost my family in the war. My wife. My sons and daughters. My grandsons and granddaughters.” Krank paused for a moment. “Retrieving me, rehabilitating me, bringing me back into service was your idea. Everything that happens here today, it was your plan. The romulans only think they are clever and manipulative. They are backward, helpless children compared to you humans, and to you in particular, Admiral Howard. I will protect your grandson with everything I have and everything I am. You have left me no other honorable choice.”

Krank sat down. 


Admiral Howard was, probably for the first time in several decades, completely flustered - completely at a loss for words. 

The tension in the room was almost a physical presence. 

And was broken by a stage whisper from Captain Skip Howard - he was leaning in toward his father, but his whisper was precisely pitched to be heard across the room: “See Dad, I told you he’s awesome…”


The room exploded with laughter. Even Krank couldn’t keep from laughing. The entire mood of the banquet changed. It wasn’t until after several dishes of everything except Earth food and nearly an hour of small talk that Admiral Howard stood to speak again.

“I stand both humbled and enthused. I did not come here expecting anyone could take me down a peg and fill me with joy in the same moment.” The admiral gestured and bowed to the elderly klingon general. “Any pride I may have is nothing compared to the safe-keeping of my family. Especially in this moment.” He turned to the Vietnamese woman seated next to him. “Vice Admiral Ho Lan Thao, you were promoted for a purpose. I am pleased at this moment to confirm your appointment as the Director of Deep Space Exploration and simultaneously, the recomposition of the 16th Fleet and its rededication for that purpose under your command. Vice Admiral?”

Vice Admiral Ho stood as Admiral Howard resumed his seat. “I am pleased to announce the retention and promotion of Yui Song to Fleet Captain, a commission informally known as Commodore. Commodore Yui will remain with the 16th Fleet, and will keep her flag aboard the U.S.S. Mako. We are placing the Beagle task force under Commodore Yui’s command. The task force may be expanded at need, but at its core will include the U.S.S. Escort, under the command of Captain Rhonda Carter, and the U.S.S. Beagle, under the command of Captain Ronald Howard XIV.” Ho Lan Thao resumed her seat. 

Admiral Howard did not stand, but addressed the gathering more informally. “We learned a bitter lesson about the need for this deep space exploration. First contact with the Dominion was disastrous and we have all suffered the consequences. Both the Federation Council and United Earth Governments have made it clear that Star Fleet must dedicate more resources and, as we had in the past, make deep space exploration a professional, ongoing service to ensure potential threats such as the Dominion and the Borg are identified, analyzed, understood, and managed for the protection of the Federation and our allies. The U.S.S. Beagle was designed, built and staffed for this purpose. The Beagle task force will be the first of six task forces dedicated to long range exploration and discovery. And I understand you already have a target identified and a fascinating and dangerous voyage of discovery awaits you…”




The U.S.S. Mako is named after the late, great American actor, Makoto Iwamatsu, beloved by a new generation of fans for his voicing of Uncle Iroh in Avatar, The Last Airbender television series.