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That Which You Have Sown

Chapter 3: Ships and guns


Kirk, Spock and McCoy need a ship to get to Ceti Alpha V and rescue the hostages. Of course, there is no better choice than the Enterprise

Chapter Text

“Dammit, Jim, when are you going to tell me what exactly is going on?”  Dr. McCoy had spent the entire shuttle ride so far either pacing anxiously or standing with his arms crossed as a sour look on his face as he stared out the window.

“But Bones, I did explain everything.”  Even though he felt so much weight on his shoulders (and more so as he had to keep his intentions secret) Kirk did let a hint of a teasing lilt creep into his voice.  Besides, he knew that no matter how much his friend liked to huff and puff not much would stir him to true anger.  “We’re to rendezvous with the Enterprise for an inspection, and I wanted  assistance form my two best friends and most trusted colleagues.”

“And you also said to drop everything because this was the most important favor that you could ask.  That doesn’t quite add up to a nice little joy ride around in the Enterprise.”

“I must agree with Dr. McCoy.”  In contrast, Spock had spent the journey calm and quiet, sitting leaned slightly back in his chair with his fingertips pressed together.  “I suspect that you are concealing something.  However, as I trust your judgment, I have no doubt that your reasoning is sound.”

“All will be clear in due time.”  Kirk fell silent and looked wistfully out the window.  Somehow mixed in with the anger and fear he felt…excitement.  Oh, to be commanding a starship again, racing through the galaxy, saving lives!  If only it were under kinder circumstances.

The current Captain of the Enterprise was a Québécois man named Benoit LeFevre.  Kirk had never met the man in his life, which would make convincing him all the more difficult.  As he waited in the captain’s ready room Kirk thought through over and over what he would say to convince LeFevre to help him on this desperate mission, but everything sounded ridiculous in his head.  To explain to another person would surely make him sound like a madman.

“Admiral Kirk.”  When the captain entered, he exuded friendly warmth.  What a relief, a person in high spirits would be easier to persuade than someone already in a rotten mood. “A pleasure to meet you, or at least as much as a pleasure as can be expected from a surprise inspection.  Is there anything you’d like to discuss before we begin?”

“About that…I know this is abrupt, but we have no time to spare. I need to borrow your ship.”

Captain LeFevre’s eyes widened.  “Well…That was the last thing I expected to hear.  I’ll indulge you, Admiral.  Why do you need my ship?”

Kirk took a deep breath.  Where to even begin with this mess.  “Recently, the civilian vessel the Toyotomi crash landed on Ceti Alpha V.”

“Ceti Alpha V?!”  McCoy shouted.  Even Spock showed signs of shock, in the form of a raised eyebrow.  “Why didn’t you include that little detail?”

“Doctor, please, let me finish explaining without interruption.  As I was saying, a civilian ship landed on Ceti Alpha V.  The USS Portland is en route to rescue the survivors, but the crew of that is also just as likely to find themselves in great danger.”

“So, you want to rescue the rescue?”  LeFevre’s warmth had faded.  He wasn’t hostile, only skeptical.  “I’m sorry, Admiral but I still don’t understand why this is necessary.”

Spock was the first to speak up, ignore Kirk’s request for no interruption.  “Captain, are you familiar with the name Khan Noonien Snigh?”

“Only if you mean that tyrant from centuries ago,” LeFevre answered with a shrug.

“The same,” Spock answered.  “I am aware that the situation I’m about to explain will sound far fetched, but Khan is still alive on Ceti Alpha V where he leads a colony of genetically engineered augments, and he has taken the survivors of the Toyotomi as hostages.  The series of events that led to Khan’s current situation requires a lengthy and nuanced explanation, which I can provide in great detail.”

“Maybe later,” LeFevre looked from Spock to Kirk.  “You’re right, that is far fetched, but I’ll indulge you again.  Are you saying that you doubt if the crew of the Portland can get the hostages to safety?”

“It’s more than that.” Kirk answered. ”Khan will only negotiate with me…our involvement is a thread in the long story Mr.Spock offered to share.  If he doesn’t get to speak to me, I have no doubt that he will kill each of those survivors and try his damnedest to kill the crew of the Portland too.”  Kirk was desperate and couldn’t keep himself from sounding defensive and heated.

“Admiral.”  LeFevre sighed and shook his head.  “You’re still talking about a handful of people against a starship.”

“Captain, don’t you get it?”  McCoy was tired of sitting by quietly, and he raised his voice.  “Twenty five years ago Khan and a few dozen of his closest friends nearly took over the Enterprise and killed her entire crew.  We barely made it out.  He’ll do it again.”

Kirk took a deep breath, now it was his turn to be a steady, calming presence.  “Captain.  The Portland is speeding toward Ceti Alpha V and a real-world Kobayashi Maru,  if I can be there to speak with Khan, if the Enterprise can be there as backup, then her crew and all those civilians might have a fighting chance.”

“Fascinating, admiral,” Spock answered as LeFevre sat back and weighed the options.  “I recall that you had an unconventional solution to that simulation as well.”

LeFevre shook his head.  “I’m still not convinced.  I’ll give you request a bit more consideration, but…”

Kirk hung his head and sighed.  He had a feeling that LeFevre was only speaking politely and that his mind was already made up.

“I understand, Captain.  Thank you for your time, I know this was a tall order.”  Kirk spoke gently, but beneath this calm demeanor his blood boiled and his mind raced to think up a backup plan.

“And I presume there’s really no need for that surprise inspection?”  LeFevre allowed himself a slight smile.

“Officially?  No, but if you’ll allow it I would like to take some time to look around, just for the sake of nostalgia.”

“Now that I can accommodate.  If there’s nothing else you’d like to discuss, then we can talk again once I’ve made up my mind.”

“Of course, and thank you once again for your time.”  Kirk, Spock, and McCoy all stood up, but while Kirk and McCoy turned to go, Spock lingered a moment.

“Captain.  Before you come to your final decision, I would like to request a few more minute of your time to speak privately, to share a detailed account of our last encounter with Khan Noonien Singh, and to provide a logical assessment of the situation at hand.”

“That I can also accommodate.”

“What’s come over you, Jim, giving up so easily?” McCoy spoke just above a whisper as they walked through the Enterprise’s corridors, as to not be overheard, but there was still a sharpness in his voice.

“I haven’t given up, I’m regrouping.” Kirk matched McCoy’s hushed tones.  “One way or another, the Enterprise is going to Ceti Alpha V, and right now my hope is that Spock’s appeal to logic can sway Captain LeFevre.”

“Then I hope you have a good back up plan, because if that doesn’t work…look, all I know is that Khan can’t take the Portland…a man like that with an armed, warp capable ship…”

“Bones, I know.  There may be much more at stake than we imagined.  I’m sure Spock has considered all of the grimmest possibilities and the probability that they will come to pass.  For now, let’s just try to enjoy being back on the Enterprise.”

Kirk could not, however, take his own advice.  Every moment his mind was full and heavy: itching to hear any news from Captain LeFevre, planning out the next move for any possible outcome, and all the while keenly aware that every minute took them further from Ceti Alpha V.  The tension was eventually broken by the chime of his communicator.

“Captain LeFevre to Admiral Kirk.”

“Go ahead.”

“You and Doctor McCoy are required on the bridge.”  

“On our way.”

On the bridge, the Captain rose from his seat to greet his guests.  “Well, Admiral, the story that Spock told me seemed too strange to be made up, certainly too strange to made up by a Vulcan.  I also took the liberty of contacting the Portland, and they confirmed that they spoke with Khan, that he insisted on speaking to you, and that their ability to to negotiate the release of those hostages will be at a severe disadvantage without your assistance.”


“And we are ready to turn around and head to Ceti Alpha V as soon as you give the word.”

“Then let’s not waste another moment.  Set in a course for Ceti Alpha V, and get back in touch with the Portland.  Tell them we’re following right behind”