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Part 4 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 4: Starship Trooper

Chapter 9: SBA Episode 4: Starship Trooper, Scene 9: Mating Ritual


Take what I say in a different way and it's easy to see that this is all...

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                                
Episode 4: Starship Trooper
Scene 9: Mating Ritual


Mating Ritual


The four young marines had at least been allowed to adjust their uniforms before the chains and leg irons were applied. This time they were put into a cart on the back of a hover car. Two armed klingon guards were standing on the tailgate. Tarron Rerg sat up front next to the driver.

The car whizzed along broad metal corridors lined with closed metal doors. None of the klingons that they saw were wearing standard issue armor - instead they wore a variety of armor styles. Some had a very makeshift, home made look. Others were clearly family designs or more formal house designs.

The car delivered them directly into a large banquet hall. There were more non-klingon servants - slaves - than klingons. A young klingon sat on a throne at the end of the hall. The quality of his armor and his general bearing screamed wealth and power in a silent language that anyone could read.

The marines were led out of the car, across the banquet hall between rows of tables and up to the throne.


“So where is this gift you bring me from General Krank?”

“I need my hands to be free,” said Spike.

The young klingon glanced at Tarron Rerg, who, in turn retrieved a key and freed Spike’s hands.

She reached up, removed her hat and sorted through the three tufts that flopped down over her forehead - the pink one was in the middle. She plucked out a single hair.

“I am not amused, human,” warned the klingon colonial. 

“A data rod is attached to this hair,” Spike said.

“And you know what is on that rod?” asked Terron Rerg.

“No,” Spike replied. “It is keyed to Colonial Shozek’s blood.”

Shozek came down from his throne and stood directly in front of Spike. Looked aggressively into her eyes. He took the hair, examined it, then turned and left, followed by Tarron Rerg, leaving the marines to stand, still chained, between the banquet tables and the elevated throne.


It was 20 minutes before one of their guards received a call and in turn removed the marines’ chains and allowed them to sit at one of the tables.

It was another 30 minutes before Shozek and Rerg returned. Both appeared to be in a far more jovial mood than they had been when they had left.

Spike and her marines got out of their chairs and stood at attention as the two klingons approached. 

“You hunger, humans,” said Rerg. “In less than one hour, we feast. You will join us. You have much explaining to do…”


Colonial Shozek interrupted by putting his finger on Spike’s forehead. His voice was quiet, but amused. “Did you actually tell Commander Garse that his wife would prefer to mate with another woman?”


“I was trying to tell him that I would never mate with him,” Spike said.


Both Rerg and Shozek burst into raucous laughter. “You have the heart of a warrior,” said Shozek. “And the tongue of a wild Targ!!”

