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Part 9 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 9: Long Distance Runaround

Chapter 8: SBA Episode 9: Long Distance Runaround; Scene 8: Imbalance


Did we really count to 100?

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                                
Episode 9: Long Distance Runaround
Scene 8: Imbalance




“There are two holy landers aboard Escort.” 


Major Janet Carter had walked this information to the bridge of the U.S.S. Beagle instead of using the comm system. 


“I take it since you don’t want to put this on our ship’s comm system, that you have not informed Mako?”  Captain Skip Howard was lounging, insouciantly as was his habit, on the throne-like captain’s chair of the U.S.S. Beagle.

“I am concerned that if Captain Carter were to become aware that we know that, she may figure out that we’re tapping into her internal security sensors and may find a way to block us,” Major Carter replied. “Whatever Rhonda’s up to, it seems clear she thinks we’re going to try to stop her.”

Howard touched a control on the arm of his captain’s throne: “Dutchie, fire up the holo-transporter…”

“Skip,” came Commander Dutch Holland’s voice over the comm. “It’s offline. The engines are misaligned. We’re not going anywhere. I can give you shields, weapons and sublight, but no warp and nothing requiring the DTG.”

Howard sat up straight. “Cause?”

“Unknown. I’ve been struggling with it for about three minutes. Sakura? I could use you down here. Better scramble the entire team. I can get them into alignment for just a second and they immediately go out again. Something is interfering with them.”

Sakura Nakamura Holland, Dutch’s wife and the Dean of Ship, was already on her feet and out the door before her name was mentioned. Captain Howard didn’t give her a glance. Major Carter took the seat abandoned by Dean Nakamura Holland.

“Major, open a channel to Mako.” Howard turned his chair to face the wall that Carter was seated at. A heartbeat later, Commodore Yui Song was displayed on the wall, standing on the bridge of the U.S.S. Mako.

“Skip, Escort is going to warp…”

“We can’t follow - engines misaligned. Song, there are two holy landers aboard Escort.”

“Escort’s gone, I’ll send you the Arizona. Mako out,” Commodore Yui replied. The view switched to an external view from which the U.S.S. Escort was missing. The U.S.S. Mako was turning, then leapt to warp, seeming to elongate before vanishing from the system.

Major Carter turned to face Captain Howard: “Sir, I’m picking up an escape pod that ejected from Escort just before they went to warp. Two lifesigns aboard: andorian; roylan. Both in distress.”

Captain Howard touched another control on the arm of his throne, then: “Bridge to transporter central. We have two crew members in a lifepod. Beam both directly to medical.”

Major Carter reported again: “Now reading the U.S.S. Arizona entering the system under the command of Lieutenant Commander Gregg Clark. He’s hailing.”

“On screen,” Howard ordered.


“Beagle, this is the U.S.S. Arizona, Gregg Clark commanding.” There couldn’t have been a less imposing figure than the U.S.S. Mako’s balding and ever smiling science officer. Everything about the man from his relaxed posture, soft voice and the combover of what was left of his light brown hair seemed designed to put people at ease.


“Gregg, what is happening aboard Mako?” Howard asked.

“That’s some telling,” Clark replied. “We launched while Mako was at warp in hot pursuit of Escort. I have a gift for your CMO. His wife, Bettes and her patient, Pel are here, ready to beam aboard."

Captain Howard reacted with some surprise. "Major, please have Dr. Uto and her patient beamed directly to medical."

"Aye sir," the muscular marine officer replied and began entering information into her console.

"The Commodore decided it was best to leave Pel with you," Lt. Cmdr. Clark continued. Behind him, the sound of people being dematerialized could be heard. "Whatever happened to Pel is part of the puzzle you're trying to solve. Commodore Yui also felt it was best to leave Pel with you since she may be going into danger."


"Is that why she sent you to me, Gregg?" Howard asked.


Clark offered a relaxed smile. "We’re here to provide whatever support you need. We have tractor capabilities and can give you a tow at warp if needed.”

“Good to know, Arizona. Stand by for that if needed, but at the moment we’re going to stay put and rely on the good will of the frost giants while we attempt to find out what is causing the imbalance. Just for the sake of planning, though, how fast can you tow us?”

Gregg Clark smiled again, but Howard could tell the man was a little nervous. “We would have to start slow, but we could get up to warp 4 if necessary. Faster than the natives.”

“Thanks Gregg,” Howard responded. “Keep your eyes open and report back if you notice anything going on with the locals. Please provide a detailed, written report of the goings on with Mako.”

“I’ll give you an essay within the hour, Arizona out,” Clark said with a characteristic smile.

