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Part 11 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 11: Heart of the Sunrise

Chapter 2: SBA Episode 11, Scene 2: Galaxy in a Jar


Lose one on to the heart of the sunrise

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                                
Episode 11: Heart of the Sunrise
Scene 2: Galaxy in a Jar


Galaxy in a Jar


“That is the second holy lander ship we’ve seen follow the Escort into the vortex.”


Commander Jason Bates had served as Commodore Yui Song’s first officer for the past 8 years. Straight through the Dominion War. They weren’t friends or close in any way, unlike most top command teams. But they knew each others’ strengths and abilities and were comfortable with each other. 

Commodore Yui was well aware that Bates was prodding her. He had a number of limitations that were not optimal for an executive officer. An extreme introvert, he rarely spent time with the crew and was almost never seen outside of working hours. Nor was he a particularly hard worker. But he had no lack of courage and was a reliable commander in a fight. Bates wanted the Mako to follow the U.S.S. Escort and the holy landers into an unpredictable vortex.

Yui Song wanted to go to support Escort’s crew as well. But she was not about to until she had evidence she could bring her own crew back out again.


“Any telemetry from our probes?”

“No, Commodore,” Bates replied. “We lost all contact with each probe the moment they entered the vortex…”  


The entire bridge crew sat staring uncomfortably at the vortex on the screen. It was hard to look at. It looked like an entire galaxy in a jar and on speed. It was evolving the way galaxies evolve… But at a breakneck rate. Miniature solar systems came to light, expanded, exploded and evaporated in a matter of minutes. 

Then, even more jarringly, it would jolt to a stop and devolve - or evolve - in reverse…


A bolian officer, standing at the tactical communication station at the rear of the bridge, reported, “Bluebird is hailing, Commodore.”

“Put them through, Ensign Broras,” Yui Song ordered, without looking back.

The U.S.S. Mako’s South African 4th officer was displayed on the viewer: “Mako, this is U.S.S. Bluebird, Gabisile Natal commanding.”

“Go ahead, Gabby,” Yui responded.

“Sir, we’re picking up an escape pod from one of those holy lander destroyers,” Lt. Cmdr Natal reported. “It seems to have ejected while cloaked and remained under cloak until their ships went into the vortex. Reading one life sign - a purple. She appears to be unconscious. We’re not reading any weapons or explosives. Life support is minimal. I’m requesting permission to dock and retrieve.”

Yui Song turned to her first officer. “Commander, your recommendation?”

Jason Bates took a breath. “Beam the survivor into medical stasis and evaluate. Do not dock with the unit. Use a robot to open the pod remotely and explore it to determine potential threat. Once verified safe, grapple, retrieve and dissect so we understand their technology better.”

Yui smiled. “You heard the commander, Lieutenant Commander. So ordered. Jason, reach out to Lucian to beam our new guest over and ask Pel to report to Medical to evaluate and give us recommendations for first contact. Mako out.”

“Aye sir,” Lt. Cmdr. Natal replied. “Bluebird out.”

As Commander Bates was relaying the commodore’s orders, the bolian ensign at communications spoke up again: “Now being hailed by the U.S.S. Beagle. They are on approach.”

“Put them through, Ensign,” Commodore Yui ordered. 


“Mako, this is the U.S.S. Beagle, Skip Howard commanding.” Captain Howard was lounging on the far-too-regal appearing command throne on the vulcan-built Beagle’s bridge. Turquoise nail polish and matching eye shadow, Yui observed. Suggesting the Beagle’s captain was in a curious mood and did not want to appear aggressive at this moment.

“Beagle, this is U.S.S. Mako, Yui Song commanding. Glad to see you have resolved your engine imbalance. How is Gregg?”

Skip Howard smiled: “He took the Puppy on a fishing trip. They should be along in about 17 hours. Apparently he has some story about a big one that got away…”

