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By the Hand That’s Touched Me


Vulcan hand sensitivity makes for extra excitement in bed.


Ummm…fits the prompt because it’s generous to pleasure your partner? Yeah!

Work Text:

Saavik and Maya’s relationship was a private one. Not secret, but private. Nothing was kept hidden, but their only outward expressions of their affection were the occasional finger touching, and Maya was sure most humans didn’t understand the meaning of the gesture. Alone, though, Saavik was hungry for touch. Not necessarily sexual touch, but anything that closed the space between herself and her partner: hand holding, nuzzling against one another, and so on.

They laid in bed together, bodies pressed against one another. Maya’s eyes were closed, but she tried to stay awake, not yet ready to let go of the moment. Saavik squeezed Maya’s hand and whispered in her ear. “With your consent, I would like to touch you.”

“Please,” Maya whispered. She did not open her eyes,

With the tip of her finger, Saavik traced a line from her partner’s lower abdomen down and began to explore her soft folds. Maya squirmed closer as a burst of pleasure moved through her body, but it was Saavik who began to moan as she felt the inside of her lover.

Series this work belongs to: