Comment on Slings and Olive Branches

  1. Oh damn, Captain Trujillo smiles and them lobs a photon torpedo right out of the gate. LMAO! “I can only surmise that you haven’t, Brigadier. The only alternative explanation for your obvious inaction is that you are incompetent. As we’ve only just met, it would be presumptuous of me to make that determination.” Fantastic, that made me laugh.

    I do believe it would be very much a mistake to consider this an idle threat, my dude. Also, her threatening him with her first officer is terrific. Just that laconic delivery. LOL!

    It's somehow charming that Trujillo has to bend over and catch her breath after that. She displayed such fucking POISE when she was there that you couldn't have guessed it was as tense as it was, so seeing her come back and have to double over is just-- very nice character work. Says a lot about her, both her spine and her reality.

    Glal snapped two of his thick fingers as if suddenly remembering something of import. He activated his combadge, “Glal to transporter room two, beam back those demolition charges during the next gap in the station’s sensor cycle.” OMFG.

    Wow, I think I might already be falling in love with these people. LOL! Excellent.

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    1. So glad you enjoyed this short story. It was my first foray into these characters, to see if there was enough to work with here to warrant a series. I'm pleased to say that there was, and that it appears you agree. :-)

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