Comment on Hot Springs

  1. Absolutely lovely descriptions in this one, I'm in awe. You are so damn good at writing that I kind of want to shake you a little bit until the Ineffible Writing Manual (TM) falls out, if that's not too forward. *twiddles with my thumbs and gives you the dreaded puppy-dog-eyes*

    Like seriously, I feel like the more of your fics I read the more awe I am in. You have my sincere admiration. And this is probably my favorite of yours so far; just the gentle way you've written this, the kind vibes from start to finish, and soft emotions... it's sublime. May good things come your way.

    And for something more silly, because I'm in a silly mood today (as you might have noticed *wince*):

    Jim and Spock definitely deserve this retirement, LOL. They have done so much for slash fic, and now it's time for slash fics to give something in return *pumps fist* your dedication to the cause is greatly appreciated! Somebody should add your name to the hall of fame! I unfortunately don't have a contact for that (does one actually exist? 👀) but I can think it really loudly and hopefully somebody on some starship picks up the message.

    Thanks for sharing your fic! ❤

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    1. Like seriously, I feel like the more of your fics I read the more awe I am in. You have my sincere admiration. And this is probably my favorite of yours so far; just the gentle way you've written this, the kind vibes from start to finish, and soft emotions... it's sublime. May good things come your way.

      Ack!! Thank you!! I really loved the cibe in this one too, and on AO3 for some reason readers flocked to all my other K/S fics but avoided this one XD I was like "you philistines...I gave you GOLD...and you run to the smut trough instead..."

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      1. *gasp* the audacity! vibes are top-tier and should be showered with love!!

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