Comment on Away from Earth Awhile

  1. What a grim and then hopeful little tale this is. LOL! Wow, I love it. Let me count the ways:

    And where Scotty was concerned, Corry had never given a damn about any rule, much less the word “classified.” Ha! Truer words were never spoken or written, though. It's nuts, because Corry would have had a pretty average, unremarkable life if he hadn't met Scotty, and there is no denying that Scotty's existence in his life has made that life considerably more difficult at points. And yet, Cor would never, ever want it any other way.

    (I too wish AOS Scotty had his own Cor in every possible timeline, but at least we have the one fluffy one that I adore!)

    “Pub has a different name,” Scott said, rubbing his face. “Same sandwiches though.” It was disquieting to have a man he didn’t know reading his mind. He continued: “I cannae remember the name I’m supposed tae be tellin’ people. So … I’m Scotty. Even if I’m not.” That you are. <333

    I already mentioned this line on Discord, but. “Every word, for family, for love. Every one, in every language in every universe there’s ever been, he’s that.” What a beautiful summary. What a truth, too. It absolutely took my breath away because it is the truth, but also because you wrought the words so beautifully. It reminds me of that quote from The Amber Spyglass: "I will love you forever; whatever happens. Till I die and after I die, and when I find my way out of the land of the dead, I'll drift about forever, all my atoms, till I find you again..."

    The man blinked. “I hope he knows that.” He does. Not necessarily early on, but eventually that is an unassailable truth. <3

    Absolutely adore your Scotty hauling out a bomb, with eyes twinkling. Mischief indeed, and he's beautiful when he's like that. Also adore him going, "Oh, sure, it's impossible, but I'll have it in a day."

    And what an ending, too. Solid and perfect. I love everything about this, absolutely worth staying up for. <3333

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    1. This one has been floating around in my head for a bit, good to get it down!

      There was a line I cut for length—that if it wasn’t destiny that they be a part of each other’s lives, it was choice, and that was powerful too. So not every universe. (But at least some of them!)

      And yes, Cor has no chill here at all. I wouldn’t expect it of him, not under these circumstances!

      And even though he doesn’t appear, TOS Scotty is definitely here. For Cor, mind and heart, always. But also, when the door started to close: tell Cor to buy that boat. (Cor will absolutely find you. And he’ll know what that means; I’ll find my way home. And you too.)

      So delighted you enjoyed this one.

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