Comment on Star Beagle Adventures Episode 1: The Eye of the Beholder

  1. Okay, I'm as befuddled as the Ferengi. What's going on? Mysterious Ferengi females with a Klingon ship wreaking havoc, Federation ships carrying out Picard Maneuvers on steroids, and everyone on board acting like it's just another Tuesday. And what does Pel know? So many questions.

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    1. 21st Century Neanderthal Man

      As always, there's Treknobabble behind the magic, but by telling the story from points of view outside the Beagle, I can keep Beagle's high tech secrets veiled a little longer...

      Pel is going to have to spill the beans soon, but not the big secret. That's going to be a big facepalm for Yui Song. Of course, Skip Howard knew the moment he met Pel...

      Thanks!! rbs

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