Comment on The Breaking of the Bridge

  1. Some terrific character beats here, both in the surprising awards/promotion ceremony (rather than the career gallows they'd expected) and in the after-party. For some reason I'd got it into my head that this was some kind of alt-universe with a history that unfolded differently from the Prime, but it's now clear to me that this conforms to the Prime universe as we know it. It's absolutely plausible that Kirk served under Decker earlier in his career. Great stuff, all the way around.

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    1. Chris with noise-cancelling headphones and a pen in his hand, sitting behind a laptop with a bunch of Star Trek and NaNoWriMo stickers on its lid

      As I said in the Discord, it's gratifying that SNW is finally providing some canon for Kirk's pre-Enterprise duty station(s). XD (I wrote this before we learned that he became first officer of the Farragut....but we still don't know who succeeded Garrovick as captain, do we? Could've been Decker for all we know. O.o)

      Glad you're enjoying this so far!

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