Comment on Warnings Unheeded in Darkest Night

  1. OH! I love that we get to see Demora! That makes me hella happy. XD Also, interesting sociology right out of the gate: People being inept in what appears to be sabotage. And then: "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." I have to admit, I absolutely laughed there.

    I like how-- busy? I guess? You always make your stories feel. They never feel isolated. Your crews, even when stuck alone against daunting odds, inhabit a full and vibrant universe where you can kind of sense another dozen stories just in the next sector over. Or the next ship onscreen. It's a real skill I've always admired about your writing. So talk of DS2 and the CoE and the Border Service is just great for pulling me into that universe.

    “How goes it for you? Still chasing sensor ghosts?” --oh, that is ominous.

    I really like the Reykjavík’s conference room design. That actually makes total sense, and also definitely gives it a wee bit of a submarine feel, too. But you know me, I like nautical aesthetics. XD

    “Why would they be surveying a system that basically blocks sensor activity?” For some reason, spycraft comes to mind. >.>

    Also, RACHEL GARRETT! Nice to see her here. I mean, I knew she would be, but still. AND HA! She confirms my theory like two lines after I had it.

    Enjoying Trujillo's straight-forwardness there, in addition to her prior mentoring. Like-- get to business, get done with it, get to work. Though she does seem just a little burned out?

    Oh, damn, tho! Garrett's right, though? And I like that Trujillo can recognize that she's right and empathize with that position. And that she also wants to make it right again. And it says a lot about Garrett's good character that she only wanted heard, but I am glad she accepts that deal, too.

    Excellent chapter!

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    1. I'm pleased you're enjoying the story. I had a lot of plates spinning with this first chapter, both for this story as well as the series as a whole. Garrett certainly knows how to make a first impression with her new CO. ;-)

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