Comment on Scar Tissue

  1. While getting nothing else done, my mind kept coming back to my thoughts about this fic.

    An echo of a life he might have had if he hadn’t been exiled – if he hadn’t joined the Order so young – if he hadn’t tucked his childhood away, shot Elim dead, worked to become the Son of Tain.

    And second of all because he didn’t deserve–

    Because an Obsidian Order agent should never grow a conscience. Because an Obsidian Order agent should never give into sentiment.

    It’s been a while since I have done a proper comment with quotes, because something the fuck happened to me, and I have grown profoundly lazy 😆.

    For me, the essence of Garak lies in this confluence of incongruities.

    One aspect of Garak’s psyche is fully aware that it is not okay that he has killed, tortured, and destroyed countless families. While the other half of his conscience is at war with itself, because the first statement confirms that he is a failure to his culture, his society - one that upholds murders, torture, and destruction. There is no way out of this fun house.

    I surmise that Garak has been both sadistic, and yet, he contains a great amount of masochistic tendencies. Like the killer who flogs himself with the cat-o-nine-tails after each murder. Garak, however, might have actually grown a real nuisance of a conscience, one that actually became debilitating.

    I love one act fics with just the minimal amount of players. A real character study emerges.

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    1. For me, the essence of Garak lies in this confluence of incongruities.

      One aspect of Garak’s psyche is fully aware that it is not okay that he has killed, tortured, and destroyed countless families. While the other half of his conscience is at war with itself, because the first statement confirms that he is a failure to his culture, his society - one that upholds murders, torture, and destruction. There is no way out of this fun house.

      Exactly! Garak has a light, comedic surface personality and a whole lot of dark emotion bubbling underneath.

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