Comment on Warnings Unheeded in Darkest Night

  1. Love the whole 'Captain on the Bridge' thing. XD Also that she has her own specific chime and also that she cuts them off before they can all snap to. Oooof, though, the Esau doesn't look good. I mean, it could be anything at this point, given the lack of battle damage, but even so.

    “…I’m reading a detectable increase in bacteria-generated trace gasses onboard,” Garrett finally continued. She turned to look at the captain, her complexion suddenly ashen. “It’s the kind of increase you’d expect from early necrotic processes, sir.” Ohhhh. Oh no. :(

    The tension on this is just ratcheting up, too. Like-- I know they have to investigate, but boyyyyyy, the it's a trap! vibes are strong with this one.

    Oh my god that scene. Oh, that's fucked up. o.O Good job just outright dropping us into the horror there. The arrow is a sort of wtf-moment, admittedly. But damn, you do a great job drawing the reader (me, obvs) into the mystery going on here despite the horror.

    Glal merely shook his head and increased his phaser setting to maximum. ...that is probably a very wise thing to do, ngl.

    I like Trujillo taking the cautious approach there by pulling her people back, too. Like-- for Plot Related Reasons, shows will let captains do the kinda dumb, but realistically, you'd think that caution would be a watchword in a situation like this.

    Well done!

    Last Edited Thu 08 Jun 2023 03:43AM UTC

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    1. Thank you! Yeah, it's a pretty messed up first away mission for young Ensign Garrett, but one she's sure to remember.

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