Comment on Embers of the Fire

  1. I am an absolute sucker for characters getting Responsibilities thrust on them that they didn't ask for and don't quite want, and it's very fun to see them make the best of things. Like, suddenly they're In Charge and Have To Make Decisions and it's very cool to see them succeed. I am *also* a sucker for characters figuring out how to live after disaster strikes--high stakes world ending battles is all well and good, but I'm far more interested in the little battles after. How do you move on? What resources do you have and how do you make the best of things? How do make amends, forgive, learn, grow? All that is super fascinating to me.

    I remember liking your Sandhurst ficlet (I *think* it was a ficlet *cue head-scratch*) and I'm delighted the continuation is here! (It's actually been sitting in my Marked For Later list for a while while I've been collecting spoons from spooky corners, LOL.)

    Honestly I really the like writing style. I like the overview of information I'm getting and I enjoy all the technotalk. Makes me feel very smart! I mean, I understood all those words so very clearly I am a genius and have missed my calling as a Starfleet Engineer. The world doesn't know what it's missed!

    You've started with a blast (literally!) and I am already super interested in What Is Going On. What's happening? Who's sabotaging who? Will Sandhurst ever get to become Just A Normal Engineer again? And why am I sad Taun'Ma died? I can't believe you made me attached to a character and killed her off so quickly, the *audacity*. You are a danger to the heart's of all!

    Ehem, cough, I am a calm and rational reader, and I am calmly and rationally enjoying your fic. Thank you for sharing!

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    1. Thank you for reading and commenting! Yes, there's a lot happening here with Sandhurst and the others, who've all just come out of a horrific war and were perhaps naively hoping the 'peace' that followed would be... well, peaceful. Not so much, as it turns out.

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