Comment on This Delicate Thing We've Made

  1. Yessss, give me pain! Angst! Hurt! I crave utter desolation, let's tear the characters apart and feast on their blood! 🔪 mwuhahaga!

    No, but like seriously, I'm in a mood for angst and this certainly delivered. Some nice hurt & comfort, the sting of betrayal from someone you like (cough, love, cough) mixed with the bitter pill you understand why they did it and would probably have done the same. Top-tier, here's my heart, please feel free to crush it.

    I felt like they left a lot of things unsaid (that was a very convenient interruption, hmmm) by the end. But I'm sure they'll get to have a proper conversation soon and hopefully hash out their hurt feelings.

    Thank you for sharing!

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    1. Rocket in flight

      Glad you liked it! Yeah, I'm sure they'll get a better chance to talk later. :) (I've always wanted a fic where Pike figures out the whole "not the spy" thing sooner and things go differently, but it doesn't seem to exist. I may have to write it one day.)

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