Comment on Hot Chocolate

  1. Saw a fic named hot chocolate, had to read it right away, no regrets :D

    And yes! Cuddling *is* the most logical suggestion ever, glad Spock sees things my way, hmph. Despite the title I did not actually expect any hot chocolate in the fic and man am I glad to be wrong. Spock making hot chocolate for Kirk? Perfection, of course.

    Super loved the Vibes of the fic, with the winter and the chill and the softness before the fireplace. I am always weak for fluff and domesticity and this just hit all the buttons for that 😍

    I'm so glad you're posting so many of your fics here! I have lots of reading in store now 🥳

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    1. Rocket in flight

      I'm happy you enjoyed it! I don't write it as much as I used to, but TOS K/S is my OTP.

      I'm so glad you're posting so many of your fics here! I have lots of reading in store now

      Lots more where those came from! :) I've been writing Trek fic since 2009, so once I get done with the AO3 stuff I might look at uploading some of my old LJ fic.

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