Comment on Trial of Transfer

  1. The County of McCovey Cove

    Hi RBS :)

    Janeera's background is that she's actually been working heavily within the military justice system as a civilian, and amazingly (lol), a lot of her clients were human(!). Her patterns of speech are in fact very human for the purposes of communicating in a fashion that lends itself to being understood by her clients (as we're pre-ubiquity with the universal translator). So Janeera speaks Federation Standard, and at her wise age, she's near-natively fluent. From my own personal perspective, I've worked abroad for long periods of time, and I found myself incorporating local colloquialisms as I was working as a corporate trainer and being understood is paramount (no pun intended) in that role. The law is 100% about communication and the full understanding of different versions of the same language and expressing yourself to ensure you're doing your absolute best in representing your clients' interest. If you cannot do that, you're not going to be very successful.

    Reter, on the other hand, has some interesting speech patterns. It's a learned stall tactic to give him time to think about what he wants to say next. I once worked with someone who did that in a foreign language and damn if it didn't help expand your vocabulary!

    Thank you for reading!

    -- McCC

    Last Edited Mon 18 Sep 2023 02:17AM UTC

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