Comment on Warnings Unheeded in Darkest Night

  1. I'll admit that I read this yesterday because I was dying to know what happened. But I tend to like to review once a day on longer stories because it gives the author something to look forward to. Anyway, I loved Garrett's correcting them as to the name of the world, and the way Trujillo immediately makes it official. It's a nice nod to how they do that part better in that century, while we're still trying to give the names of mountains back to those who originally named them.

    The incredibly tension ratcheting up there in the caverns. The harrowing awful battle, too. I'm still not one hundred percent sure what they activated, but the way you described Trujillo's spider cracked faceplate was chilling. And her vulnerability as she woke up was also touching. I like how incredibly dynamic you've made her: She's a hardass, but she's honest. She's not perfect. She makes mistakes, but also owns them. And her dropping that little bomb on Glal and the rest about her relationship with Gael made me smile. <3 Nice work!

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    1. Thank you, I'm glad you're continuing to enjoy it. Yes, Nandi Trujillo has a lot of facets, to be sure.

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