Comment on Where Angels Fear To Tread

  1. The County of McCovey Cove

    As I read through this chapter, I kept thinking about the cultural aspects of the Star Trek and Star Wars sagas; they're often positioned as diametrically-opposed stories and the fandoms associated with both are painted as rivals utilizing a tribal perspective. What I think I'm really liking about this crossover is that those (myself included) who're more on the pluralist side of appreciating both long-running plotlines would understand and appreciate the confusion Chester is undergoing given the approximate time of the Dominion War and finding herself in a completely new situation with very little to ground her. Even more, I feel the added plot point of this initial identity confusion is a wonderful addition to the narrative because it's made more complex, which owes to the high level of mental fortitude that she possesses to be able to keep a tight grip on her situation. I think under other circumstances, a person with lesser might devolve into a complete mental breakdown (then again, Starfleet officers have to be tough, don't they).

    I also noticed that the tense use changed from present to past. I assume this is due to the fact that this is the (beginning of the) flashback story, therefore it takes place in the past relative to the framing story?

    Hopeful to see more of this story, soon. I've already added it to my subscriptions.

    -- McCC

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    1. Thank you! Yes, this was very much inspired by all of us liking both a LOT (though with widely differing levels of familiarity with them). Finding one better than the other is a rather alien idea to me at least, because they are so, so different--Star Trek is a utopia, Star Wars a dystopia, among other things--and the narrative expectations and mechanics are so completely different, as are the problem-solving approaches of the characters. These wild differences = loads of conflict, writer's catnip! I think we've written more arguments in this where both sides are more or less right than in any other fic we've worked on!

      Chester is a lot of fun because of that mental fortitude! It's also going to make her absolutely exhausting to a lot of people. In *both* galaxies. (and even with the excuse of the war, there's a reason she makes captain relatively young!)

      And yes! We are now in the flashback story, and we decided to use both past tense and 'Chester' rather than 'Diane' to convey both the time period and the distance between the characters at this point. It also was for simplicity's sake; with three writers and two time periods, differentiating them was vital.

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