Comment on Where Angels Fear To Tread

  1. We get some more backstory as the senior staff is read in to the mission and it's many dangers. You know it's bad when the Romulan liaison officer can only offer muted snark, a testament to the potentially impending catastrophe to come. I'm enjoying the rather clinical assessment of the SW universe and their associated technologies, and here's hoping our Starfleet friends avoid having to examine any Imperial tech close up and personal.

    Great stuff!

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    1. Thank you! Yes, Tanek spends a lot of time trying to be carefully unimpressed by everything. It takes a lot to crack his shell. Diane's background--lots of history, linguistics, and ethics--lends itself particularly well to the dissection of the Republic-now-Empire and the identification of the warning signs visible years before. So writing that clinical dissection was a lot of fun!

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