Comment on The Comet

  1. An image of a hot cup of tea sitting next to an open book and in front of a shelf of additional books.

    This is really good! I really like the worldbuilding in just the first few scenes. The details about how the destruction of Vulcan has made everyone jumpy and changing both the attitude toward colony worlds, as well as making people keep a much closer eye on their surroundings. I also like the detail about the fear that the larger powers of the galaxy might take the symbiotes for themselves. It really drives home why the Trill were so secretive about them for so long.

    You write the politics and the complexity of the situation facing Audred really well. I also like how you handled Pike, and his relationship with Audred.

    The whole this is just really smart. You extrapolated really well from canon and presented a convincing picture of what the destruction of Vulcan would do to the wider galaxy, and to Trill specifically. (Also, on a selfish note, I'm writing a story that heavily features Trill right now and I love getting more ideas for how the society might operate.) I also love how you brought in the neural parasites. Another nice touch of really integrating the two timelines.

    Great work! :)

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    1. Picture of a white woman with brown curly hair, face turned away.

      Thank you! The paranoia about symbiotes I got from the Lives of Dax stories, but the jumpiness over the destruction of Vulcan is a thing I've been convinced would happen ever since I saw the movie back in 2009, and I've always been surprised how few Reboot fics think about that in their worldbuilding. This fic was written after the second fic in the series (Anatomy of a Secret), both for different ficathons for the same person, and I was glad for it: a lot of this was stuff that I had thought up as background worldbuilding for Anatomy of a Secret, but which didn't get explicitly written down on page. So getting the same person with a similar request gave me the opportunity to use that!

      You are welcome to use any of this worldbuilding about Trill history and politics if you want!

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