Comment on On the Nature of Wind

  1. Back waaaay back in-- idk, back when I wrote the first draft and shared it seeking advice, my friend Kay (one of the best RP partners I ever had, and a woman whose writing I admired and still do to this day) told me that I'd sort of covered Scotty's moment of truth, but had not yet really looked at what all this had done and would do to Cor. And that was how this chapter went from being more light to what it is here.

    It's funny looking back over the evolution of it; what scenes I added originally and what scene I added back recently, and how it finally looks, I think, like it should.

    You are more gentle than you know. It is super interesting. He hates fighting, at least this kind of fighting, but until now, he's pretty much always had to in some fashion or another. If not always physically. And not always straight-forwardly.

    But here he is post-rescue (the one before this, anyway) and he's still trying to wrap his brain around what's changed. Because he feels it, he knows it, but it's so much. And so deep. So, he's in that still-place after until he needs to take up metaphorical arms again, protecting Cor, even maybe from Cor himself.

    Oh man, that last scene. The reckoning. And the sort of-- permanent setting of some things between them. Within them, too. The themes of light in the darkness. And that sometimes it does mean something to snarl back at the universe that otherwise doesn't care about you one whit.

    Thank you so much for the kind and insightful comment.

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