Comment on On the Nature of Wind

  1. Aye. I'd hesitate to say the whole revenge plot was childish, but-- it kinda was in a lot of ways. Age-appropriate stupidity. LOL! But letting Sean and the Queen Mary go is a mature response. As is going sailing on their sailing vessel. As Scotty said, it was what he'd built her for, even if he'd kind of lost sight of that. (My family's first boat was a little open-bowed runabout that we legit almost sank the first time out because we didn't plug the holes. The dog was swimming down the middle confused. We were all freaking out. LOL! She became the Barely Afloat, so obviously I had to write that into this story. XD)

    I don't think he really thinks too much about this again; not the Queen Mary, though her captain and some of the things Sean's said definitely do stick with him. (There comes a point he's standing on the Constitution right before she's going to be sent to a breaking yard, having tried to fight for her and save her, and no small amount because she'd been his dream once and also because she was the ship Sean died to help preserve.) For all that he and Sean Kelley were rivals, they had a pretty heavy amount of influence on each other, too, in that storm. Just like Sean kind of really defined Scotty's nature for him in V.I, I don't doubt that Sean's first instinct to save his techs even at the cost of himself was enabled in part by his brush past Scotty here. They both were always brave, but the clarification of that bravery, I think, is part of what they took from one another.

    I had a lot of fun writing Corry's mad pirating routine. The purgation of tension there. And also just the whole-- calm ending, with the gun salute. Nostalgic and whimsical and why not?

    Thank you so much! <333

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