Comment on Slings and Olive Branches

  1. Picture of a white woman with brown curly hair, face turned away.

    I love the barbed exchange. Trujillo's insults are carefully chosen to be just on the right side of "motivating" vs. "genuinely infuriating and will provoke a duel." The way she's framed things, Kut'sHah can either admit to incompetence or not doing his job (which almost amounts to the same thing) or he can ... do his job. And he doesn't have to admit to taking bribes from the Orions, but if he doesn't stop doing that and start doing his job, then he and the people who have also been taking bribes are going to be humiliated in public and all of the Klingon Empire will suffer and know whose fault it is that they are suffering. But it's also a carrot and stick approach. It seems well calculated to Klingon military culture.

    And the trauma team in the transporter room is funny ... but only given that she was able to pull it off. If she hadn't, it would have been merely prudence.

    I like Glal--those explosives in orbit is sneaky.

    I don't think the Klingons would have gone to war if he'd had to use them; they are in a weak position and also understand vengeance. I think they might have gained some respect for Starfleet.

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    1. It was a calculated risk on Trujillo's part, but she knew the Klingons would have ignored the same message delivered via subspace. She had to deliver the message in person, and expose herself to risk in doing so. Glal was weighing similar risks with planting the explosives.

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