Comment on Where Angels Fear To Tread

  1. Oh, more excellence, and I've been eagerly awaiting this installment! Rather than treat her like a foreign dignitary or an explorer, most of the Repub's are acting like Chester's an idiot child of some sort. I'd argue that dragging her to a frontline battlefield may be counterproductive, but it *does* keep their intel folks from whisking her away in the dead of night. Glad to see she and Wolffe are coming to something of an understanding (too soon to call it a truce) and now she's suddenly face to face with that utter tool Krell again.

    I'm sure being back in a war zone will do wonders for Chester's PTSD. Here's hoping she manages to stay out of the line of fire, though I think that's a bit too much to hope for (knowing her).

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    1. Thank you! Yes, as noted above, the narrative roles in Star Wars for someone who's not a Jedi are... constrained, and she makes a bad villain and equally bad comic relief. Which leaves her the role of hapless clueless civilian. She's no good at this, but it'll take some pretty serious shenanigans for everyone else to realize this.

      The frontline battle... yeah. We'll just see how that goes. Krell and all. Especially given her tendency to make a beeline for all kinds of danger.

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