Comment on Contrast

  1. Although there are the underpinnings of trouble here (Scotty, left at his uncle’s. For however long), the way he is delighted by the pony just make me happy. That in a difficult childhood, there were these rays of light. Charlie, in his way. The horses. The freedom of being able to take one and go. An eight year old child in a beautiful place, having a beautiful moment. (He deserved more.)

    And then to Cor. Who grew up in a magical place and with a charmed sort of life, the one every child deserves. Crabs all over the beach, and he can’t save them all, but he sees the one hiding. He sees it, and he loves it. (And this is who you are, at your heart, Corry. Kind. Gentle. With a unique ability to see.)

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    1. That kid definitely spent lots of time in the stables when he was with Charlie. LOL! It is a sweet moment and one I enjoyed writing, because the next stretch is-- rough. Enough to make me marvel that he survived it, however close he came to not. And aye, Cor, with his child's sense of adoration for that single little blue crab. No less real for its suddenness. Thank you! <33

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