Comment on On the Nature of Wind

  1. I've always really loved this epilogue; the warmth of it. The-- idk. Sense of that part of their journey ending, but a new one starting. The bantering. The loop around at the beginning back to the Prologue with the same opening line.

    You're right about Cor's parents! They definitely are all of those things, but ultimately loving. Scotty even mentally notes it in 'Time', too. The contrast between the two families; the one that loves and wants their son, and the one that basically just-- quit. Well, his mother anyway. <3 But that line about him owing them nothing was a recent editorial addition!

    I really do love that moment where they give each other those gifts. Because both of those things mean something to them for the rest of their lives. That penlight especially; both the light in the dark and the acknowledgment of name. It is a very sentimental conversation considering it's not supposed to be. LOL! I'm really glad you came back to re-read it; I think it's reached mostly its final form. But I love that it's your backstory for him. <333 That means everything to me. Thank you!

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