Comment on Warnings Unheeded in Darkest Night

  1. Picture of a white woman with brown curly hair, face turned away.

    No active life signs, not near a planet, no damage, distress call. Real haunted house vibes.

    Intact but no life signs and the crew could only have been abducted or killed? I guess you're going with the theory that typical Star Trek wackiness only happens to ships named Enterprise, eh? On the other hand, if it's something weird at least Garret will get to show her chops and make use of all her science knowledge!

    Nice to see the command prefix codes. I always thought that was such a cool moment in tWoK, and was sad they didn't have them--as both strengths and weaknesses--in later Trek. Sure, you can do things for good as Trujillo is doing here ... but if an enemy captures a Starfleet starship, then all Starfleet ships would be at a terrible disadvantage until they changed their codes. Such a lot of possibilities!

    Aaaaand the damage to the computer is deliberate, so either they did it themselves or someone ELSE did it ... but only that damage, and no other, which is weird.

    Oh, no. They are dead ... was hoping it was weird stuff. Well, maybe there are survivors somewhere else. Aaaaand the phaser fire was from Starfleet phasers. So, something that made them go violently crazy? Cave-man?

    As for failing Garrett twice in two days, that can't be true. If nothing else, it would have taken longer for Garrett to get out to the Reykjavik once her orders were changed, wouldn't it?

    "they hit nothing that bleeds" ok, back to horrorsville.

    "pulling out and going to send data back home" when you've got a mystery that kills people and nobody left to save (that you can find)--how sensible!

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    1. We did actually see the command prefix codes once more in Trek, as Picard ordered Worf to transmit the USS Phoenix's prefix codes to the Cardassians in the TNG episode 'The Wounded,' but yeah, you'd think they'd have shown up more.

      Trujillo's feelings of having failed Garrett twice in two days is due to her having discovered Garrett's objections to her new assignment only the day prior, and then having sent her into the violent hellscape of the Esau.

      Thanks for the fantastic feedback! It's appreciated.

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