Comment on A Higher Power When You Look

  1. I adore his bullshit stories. Because they are ridiculous. And also true (although whether true in tone and emotion when he was living it is a different question.) He’s such a rambling talker, compared to his counterpart, and was from the moment when we met him.

    And yeah, started dropping those breadcrumb about the climax of the story 😁

    You’re right about Spock. But the science goes away and he’s side-eyeing a guy who, frankly, just invented a planet killer. He’s a bit jumpy about that kind of thing.

    And oh my god, the entire lack of accountability, we’ve talked about it. Yes, there is going to be a brutal inquest. I hope that Kirk and Spock got it with both barrels.

    The Constitution, and April and Pike and all that is something I’m dying to write. Just need to find the way in. It’s rolling around in my head for sure!

    And somewhere in all of them, the wolf.

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    1. And somewhere in all of them, the wolf. I chinhand at you every time you say something like that. ^_^

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