Comment on Geometries of Chance

  1. 21st Century Neanderthal Man

    Always a delight to get an extended Lar'ragos fight scene. And the only scene I've encountered where the nacelles were blown off a ship - that's so cinematic it belongs on a screen.

    New management or old, the Q's are just pure shit. Happy to use the puny little carbons to help them clean up their own mess, but helping those same carbons out of the mess the Q created? Can't lift a finger to do that - it would be interference...

    BTW - Q does appear in the final scene of STH. Which I'm getting close to posting over on Trek BBS. I'll eventually repost all of STH over here, but I'm currently posting SBA.

    Thanks!! rbs

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    1. The Q are a pain in the collective butt, to be sure.

      I'm on the cusp of delving back into Hunter, and I eagerly anticipate reading your take on the Continuum.


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