Comment on Warnings Unheeded in Darkest Night

  1. Picture of a white woman with brown curly hair, face turned away.

    I like the detail of the isolation lab/dorm in shuttle bay; that's such a sensible way to do it, and much less likely to have a contamination failure than the way we saw it in the series (usually force fields in Sickbay). (Unless there's a contagion that can pass through vacuum ... maybe as spores ...)

    Trujillo seems to think she knows exactly what's going through Garrett's head, and she's probably right under the circumstances, but I have to wonder if she's as correct as she thinks she is. Because she's already misjudged Garrett badly once.

    Crime scene analysis with bodies that old, which have been kept at room temperature ... ugh. But on the other hand, I'd think it would be better to at least start while they're towing the Esau back, because an extra two weeks would surely make the decomposition even worse and get even further in the way of their analysis.

    "These young whippersnappers should go where they're assigned, instead of being entitled enough to want to have a say in where they end up" sounds very familiar to me. I'm a minister in a Christian denomination that assigns (new) ministers to what region of the country they're supposed to find a church in, and in recent years there has been more flexibility allowed than there used to be. And grumbling from the old-timers. But the thing is, circumstances have changed, and at least in the ministry assigning people to where it's most convenient for the larger organization may look good in the short term, but causes long-term problems, especially for recruitment and retention of new ministers. Now, Starfleet as a quasi-military organization will obviously have different circumstances. But at least in my job, the best people you really want to have and keep are less likely to want to take the job if they know they're not going to have a say in where they're going and could end up in the ass end of nowhere. And even if they are willing to go, they'll stay for the minimum time and then leave to go elsewhere. You *still* end up with a shortage of people in the less desirable parts of the country, and you have a whole bunch of churches that have a constant cycle of young, inexperienced people who are just putting in their time while they wait for something they actually want. It's not good for those churches, it's not good for the larger denomination, it's not good for anybody.

    Oooh, the DNA points to the planet, and *none* of the probes have gotten DNA from the planet! I bet people are hiding there! Very interesting. The plot thickens ...

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    1. Starfleet has indeed come to that realization (as has your church, apparently), but Glal's old-school, a crusty old traditionalist. This is a period of significant change and evolution for Starfleet, as it morphs from the organization we saw in the TOS movie-era to the one we discover in TNG/DS9/VOY.

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