Comment on Eternal Flame

  1. 21st Century Neanderthal Man

    Very satisfying wrap. Actually a more satisfying plot than the progenitors episode of STNG that inspired it. It does leave me wondering what happened to the brawling ships left behind, but I suspect they flew too close to the light... All that was missing was a Daedalus/Icarus reference, you know, melting wax, feathers...

    "They tried to play God and it led to their doom."

    Very much harmonizes with Dr. Kenny Dolphin's First Commandment of Federation Ethics: THOU SHALT NOT PLAY GOD!

    Actually found myself chuckling at the ending with Michael catching up: "You two are... dismissed..."

    Thanks!! rbs

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    1. That's a good one. Probably a bit overused but you're right, it would have fit this story nicely.

      Thanks for reading and commenting.

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