Comment on Halfway to Starlight

  1. I kind of adore stories where there's an outside perspective on our main protagonist? Like, I had fun writing that in Hierarchy, and this fic sort of reminds me of that: A senior officer kind of eying a junior one, trying to sort out whether he was trouble or not. (He will be, for awhile. >.> Technically a very very long while, but in different ways.) Love Pike's view, though; it's very measured. He's rightfully concerned about this troubled young man; he's also, though, neutral. He makes no snap judgments.

    I also seriously adore Scotty there with his techs. Fucking-- adorable, engineering jokes included. I smiled my way through them and through the reactions. Bowman, six deployments in, already sort of watching over this butterbar here. LOL!

    Also adore the beginning of the-- rivalry/maybe-more between Scotty and Stamets. XD I am so incredibly looking forward to more of that. Paul, being Paul. Scotty, being Scotty. I mean, this is an explosive combo and I love the potential alone.

    Anyway, I am so excited you're writing this era of his life. <333

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