Comment on A Higher Power When You Look

  1. Man, even having smoked it in the past, I don't think I ever got to like the smell of marijuana. LOL! It's so distinctive and intense that no wonder patchouli is the go-to coverup. XD Also, damn, they must be regular users, because it takes like three hits to get me 'melted to the floor high' if the weed is of decent quality. (Or the weed is engineered to work more slowly, give people more time to moderate their experience?)

    HA! Knowing what I know now, I'd be right there on Scotty's other shoulder telling him, "Man-- don't do it. Do not." Which would make for a much shorter story. LOL! But I love the man, no thanks to you, so I'd stick by that.

    “Your sister called me too. She’s worried. And if you think I’ve never talked to Clara about that gap for rehab and treatment when you were seventeen, after your first doctorate and discovering the Aberdeen Solution, then you are sorely mistaken.” The number of people who need slapped around in this timeline--

    Like, legit, I have a tally sheet and everything. (Well, no, I don't, but still.)

    Still lovely, seeing Demora. That ending bit in the second section has whole layers of darkness under the optimism thanks to my foreknowledge now. LOL!

    (Very real, still, the kid puking because he came close to a total disaster. That's never gonna be easy no matter how much training you get.)

    Scotty bawling Spock out is still terrific, he absolutely had it coming, and I'm glad he admitted that. It's also another moment where the two universes are very different: I don't know how exactly it would have played out between the TOS versions, because Spock absolutely has butted his nose in before, but then again, they've had so long working together that TOS Scotty would probably be able to tune him out if necessary, or TOS Spock would have just known and not said anything.

    “Scotty and McCoy are going to be apocalyptic.” I'm not sure whether this was a deliberate word choice, a play on apoplectic, or an accidental substitute for it, but it's true either way and that's what makes me laugh about it.

    On second read, I can appreciate way more just how much you wove the overarching plot into seemingly unrelated episodic chapters. Clever, clever. XD Big, universe bending plots have never quite been my strength (absent the Mirror!Scott, and his endgame), I'm very much a character author, but I can see and admire the hell out of what you accomplished here.

    Absolute insanity. LOL! I don't think that the TOS Enterprise ever would have been able to manage that, but maybe. Her Chief would have gone gray in three seconds, though. Also, happy Zhu lived, and everyone else, especially knowing what all comes later.

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    1. Scotty absolutely has it in him to get blazed on anything and everything. But only on Earth. Like his otherself, I suspect that he barely even touches alcohol when they’re deployed (fandom opinion otherwise), and certainly nothing else.

      I know right? Just stay home and build Starships, Scotty. The end 😆

      I’m kind of in love with the idea that at least some of them genuinely have family and kids back home. Sulu, McCoy. (Spock, later.) It makes a five year mission—really quite a sacrifice. For them and their family.

      That transporter scene would have played differently with TOS Scotty and Spock for sure. These guys don’t have quite the depth of time and connection, yet. And TOS Scotty will absolutely call superior officers on their shit, but with a few table-slapping exceptions, is a little less shouty about it.

      Can’t remember if that word is intentional or I meant the other one and it’s a typo lol. Staying now!

      And the beginning of the long-game plot! I appreciate that the breadcrumbs are there on the second read.

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