Comment on Glass Houses and Rubber Balls

  1. !!!!!!!!!! I love it. Love how Una knows her friend and so goes to bring her coffee, and then Paul speaking up quietly and Una also grabbing a sandwich. A lovely thing that will someday echo forwards for various junior engineers bringing Chief Scott sandwiches and cups of tea. And pfft, Cait. Saddled with a very eccentric lot of engineers, trying to make everything work; you can see where she's probably tearing her hair out.

    Adore that little peek back to pre-deployment, with April poaching the Yorktown's crew. As well he should, clever man. XD Cait would be pretty damn young for this assignment, though not quite as young as a Scott in an adjacent timeline will be when he becomes Chief. But just-- the absolute weight of it all. The biggest department, aye. Also the one responsible for keeping everyone alive. Bringing the ship back in good or tolerable repair. Answering to impossible orders. I love that you show how much it is to ask of a person, but Cait's very well-suited for it.

    Two of them, in fact, were squabbling mathematically outside Cait’s door, in accents that could only be described as ‘Scots’ and ‘Bitch.’ Sometimes both.

    Okay, but a dreaming planet is incredibly cool and there is so much you could do with that alone in terms of like-- away missions. And Una just taking the PADD and making assignments is awesome; she's right, though. Cait's twisting herself up, and that's understandable, but I love that she's kind of learning how to share the load here. The juggling metaphor is very cool, and I definitely laughed when Una suggested they go play handball and relieve some stress caused by Scots and Bitches and Bitchy Scots. XD Great stuff!

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