Comment on Midwinter

  1. The Four Quartets really are deeply introspective stuff. <3

    I love how you open on the atmosphere of Scotty's quarters in the San Francisco Fleet Yards. Cor reflecting on the beauty of the world he loves. Also on how almost everything he loves is down there. Especially when the last bit walks in, happy to see him.

    It always seemed too much, and too little. Heh. Ain't that the truth. I've never written any version of Scotty (yours, a thousand variations on mine) who wasn't incredibly complicated for both his author and the people who love him. Which I am absolutely sure you can sympathize with. LOL!

    Scotty would try to apologize for it. He really would. He'd be red-faced and blushy and deeply touched and also apologetic because like, who the hell thinks he's worth all that? But on the other hand, you can't exactly tell the man who loves you that there's no way that can be true.

    Totally fair, tho, Cor checking him out as he strips out of his EV gear. Regardless of attraction, the man's pretty. He tips over more towards handsome when he hits his late thirties, early forties (and I'll go to blows if anyone tries to tell me he didn't maintain some pretty even then!) and onwards, but he sure as hell was pretty when he was younger. So aye, I appreciate Cor noticing it, especially since he'd be the one to do the looking first.

    There was some unnamed desperation in him today, taking something for himself but giving back more. Oof. Knowing what's coming down the pipe at these kids makes that line sting on re-read! I never did really explore when/how he got his orders for the Horizon Sun. I am positive that regardless of the nature of their relationship across two timelines, both versions of Corry were beside themselves panicking about it.

    How the hell does that even happen? Understandable questions, Mr. Corrigan. Sometimes there are no answers.

    He shivered when he got the suit off, just down to the jumpsuit uniform, I dunno if you meant to parallel the opening scene of Time, but I love that you did. XD Also love the parallel to Bookends, when Mel outfitted Scotty with a proper wardrobe, and the way he even managed to accept it gracefully.

    “I’m no’ fussed,” Scotty said with a teasing smile. I see this one discovered his bratty streak a fair bit earlier than he does in about 99% of timelines. LOL! I have absolutely no trouble imagining how nuts he drives Cor with it, too, especially since I've thought about it not a little bit. >.>

    Corry knew, although struggled equally to explain that he was invoking the light of this place, like a fire in the night, casting its protection around him. I love how, in every timeline I've written that isn't a mirror, it kind of comes back to that. And that you touch it here, too.

    He was partial to smoked salmon, black-pepper potato chips they could only find at one convenience store, and horrifyingly spicy pork rinds. I adore that bit of microcharacterization and it also sounds very accurate as to what kind of convenience store snacks this version of the Scot would take to. Like-- he would eat a crappy burrito, but he'd much prefer to be a wee bit of a culinary snob.

    Love Corry's gallantry. Love Mel poking fun at her son, whilst greeting her other son. XD I mentioned this, but original AotW Scotty does actually start calling her Mom sometimes in late 2250! She adores it then, too.

    It was baffling, sometimes, in a man who couldn’t seem to explain his own emotions beyond a terse ‘fine.’ Ah Cor. He'll be able to tell you someday, but it's not gonna be today.

    Very much Scotty to go put himself to work. He's bad at talking, he kinda sucks at reassurance, but he can cook and feed people and do things to help, and that's a beautiful kind of caretaking, too.

    This had been his childhood bedroom, updated somewhat for two men, although Scotty had absolutely insisted that the model Corry built when he was twelve of—who knew, exactly, it was some mess of about three starships—stay hanging in the corner. I love this, I can't even with how much. LOL! Perfect characterization. You know the thing has at least four nacelles and is bristling with grapplers. Because everyone loves grapplers, but a twelve year old boy??

    including maybe Scotty’s, of a certain kind OMG, he literally had sex once before Corry kissed him, and that was when he was sixteen, so absolutely Cor has debauched him in many, many ways by this point, even this early in their relationship, and has no doubt taught him some very interesting things whilst doing so. No doubt several of which have since been weaponized against him in turn. Never teach a Scotty a new trick, they can and do exploit it when the mood strikes.

    Love the mental image of them moving in together, even if they can't get. I think I'll keep that idea for some day down the road. Them, in one of those above-shop apartments in Damariscotta, with brick walls and suncatchers in the windows and a cat (or two) to warm the lap.

    “Bonnie lad, growin’ up in th’ same place doesna mean growin’ up in th’ same way,” Good words. More articulate and self-aware, I think, than I woulda written -- love him tho I do, Scotty's no communications genius -- but lovely here and a truth that says more than Corry could even know right now.

    I absolutely, 10000% approve of that darling moment where Scotty's just sitting on him and Cor brushes his hair out of the way. Ah, perfection. Also a beautiful mental image, too. And I mean, if you (general audience you) don't have a thing for the man's hair, clearly you've got no appreciation for anything. XD

    much less how either of them managed to find it comfortable The Octo-Scot strikes. Any timeline where he figures out he's a cuddle bug is a good timeline.

    I am fairly certain you’ve sucked my dick dry. -whispers- In at least one timeline, he brags that he can suck the chrome off of a ball hitch, and it's not an idle boast (so says the Vulcan!); I definitely appreciate that this version of him has also proven to be an expert dick-sucker, with some practice. (If you want a fun bit of trivia, in the normal timeline, it's Fio who teaches him how to get good that with a strap-on. Among other things. Heh.)

    And then ah, man. Can't all be fun and games. :( The whole breaking the news about him being assigned. And Cor's absolutely understandable panic about it.

    “It fucking is not, Montgomery.” He grimaced. “Ooh, nope, not calling you that again, ever.” I love this line, also the response. LOL! (For another bit of prime-timeline trivia, Cor's and Abby's secondborn's full name is Aaron Montgomery Corrigan. Scotty has some opinions about it, but he's actually quite touched.)

    Corry kissed his knuckles. “No,” he said honestly, and headed to the shower. Truth. Ooof. Perfectly written.

    Poor Corry, tho. Because it really is a state of grief. Not only after, but before; preemptive grief, for all the time you won't have and all the things you won't do. You kinda want to hold him and tell him that he'll get his lover back in a couple years, maybe a bit broken in body and struggling psychologically and bleeding from old, re-opened wounds, but-- he won't have to let him go again after. Not this time, in this branch.

    Love them wandering around together. Mocking the antiques. LOL! But also just breathing in the air and each other and roaming around. They're so damn young and they're both being expected by the universe to face parting during a war with grace and maturity, and somehow they actually do manage to do that. But-- they shouldn't have to.

    Love the french toast and the real maple syrup. Love the flirting, too. I can only imagine what the last four, five months have been like that it's Scotty who takes up that baton here, offering to work on anointing pretty much the whole damn house. You know he didn't learn that on his own. You know certain parties had to instigate and teach that particular artform to the not-even-slightly unawkward little Scot. But that makes this line:

    Corry chewed his breakfast sedately, pretending to consider it, and dabbed at his lips with a napkin “I’d be amenable to that,” he said at last. Something well beyond perfection. LMAO! Bastard.

    Oh god, though. The completely unsexy and ridiculous continuation of the flirting. God. I laughed out loud every single time I read that.

    But then oof. Poor Corry. Just that whole loop back around of the inevitable. I've never been with anyone who was deployed, but it must be a kind of hell. The time ticking, the days being crossed off. Then the leaving. And the worry.

    I love this whole tale. All the details you've woven in, all the little call-backs to the original timeline. But also the little things you bring to the universe (and any adjacent!); the skimmer snacks and the model starship. I love it. It's a wonderful gift, thank you so, so much. I will no doubt read it 1000 more times before this year ends. <33333

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    1. I hadn’t read the Four Quartets before, and then it was all I could do not to copy-paste the whole thing because, uh. Wow.

      And yes, can very much sympathize with the complexity of our guy, in all his variations. (And he absolutely is pretty, and it’s fun to have Cor have absolute permission to notice and appreciate that. Which he does in the main timeline too, but it’s different when you can fully ogle your boyfriend.)

      I went back and read through your stories set about this time, so yes, every callback there is intentional. I wasn’t sure exactly when he got his orders or when/how he told Cor, and was hoping I wasn’t taking too many liberties dropping it in here. (And oh, I am so sure it panics Cor in every timeline.)

      I think Scotty is maybe just a little different in this timeline. Discovers his inner brat earlier. A tiny bit more confident, with Corry whispering his love right into his skin as often as he can. Certainly more sexually confident, having been taught alll the things by Corry (and then, knowing that Corry *doesn’t* know all the things, coming up with some surprises of his own, lol.) Maybe a tiny bit more emotionally intuitive, which I would put down to a closer relationship with Mel and Aaron earlier. Just a nudge forward in all the ways, from the way a bold and up-front romance this early his his life pushes him.

      Some of the little details, like the snacks and the monstrosity of a starship model (so many grapplers), were editing additions, and I’m so delighted you liked them because they tickled me.

      It’s fun to write the give and take of teasing and tenderness in the sexual side of their relationship. I’m certain that Cor had to take the lead (and the follow-up. And the everything) there early on, but has absolutely had it all weaponized against him since then, and isn’t quite sure what he’s unleashed on the world/himself. (Scotty, Mr. Acts of Service. And also a brat. And there was an intentional callback to Seamark there, yes. 😆) Even if sometimes it breaks into absolute ridiculousness, like the objectively awful flirting/foreplay in the kitchen, lol.

      The idea of them maybe moving in together I definitely hand to you. Love the mental image that you spun there briefly.

      Cor doesn’t take the news well. Unsurprisingly, in any universe. Even as he tries desperately to be fine and not put his worries on Scotty and. … but man, it is hard and scary. And yeah, the preemptive grief. You’re going to miss spring! Which is completely silly to get caught up in when your boyfriend might be getting shot at my Klingons. (But also you had plans for the spring…)

      I am so, so delighted you enjoyed this, and absolutely adored the prompt to write in this fantastic timeline. Merry All The Holidays 😁

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