Comment on Time

  1. I loved writing this story. I've loved it ever since, too. I was very much-- standing in my own shoes some? The feel of this story is one I lived in my early twenties, much the same as the Scot is here. Of being an adult, but not quite all the way mature. Of heat and cracked pavement and just the sense of-- well, time. XD

    Wildly, this is actually one of the really calm periods for Scotty. He missed Cor, obviously, but he's emotionally steady and not on a hair-trigger over past trauma. He doesn't love working at Lunar, he is bullied by his supervisor (the string of bad ones for sure does fuck him up admittedly), but he feels pretty okay. He plots to get to Vulcan. He works. He goes and moons over starships when he gets to help do cargo runs to the Fleet Yards. It's a pretty optimistic time; the lovely lad doesn't know war's coming.

    Oh man. LOL! Scotty tripping over how to refer to Cor to Cor's mother. It was cute; I wish he wouldn't have thought himself to be an idiot for it, but that's also kind of him, even if he's in a pretty stable place. That kind of self-punishment. It's kinda automatic and beaten into him. You're very right about Mel, though!

    OMG, I adore his whole 'time sensitive experiment of the utmost importance' thing. Clever. Also mischief. And yes, the tackle-hug, a scene I've always loved deeply. Cor's joy. And yeah, Scotty did indeed go to all that damn trouble just to visit for as long as he could get. He's not very good at words, but holy smokes, his ability to say I love you in action is beautiful.

    I love the feel of South Bristol when he returns to it. Because he's only just starting to love the place that the people he loves sprung from. Starting to see it for its beauty. He does indeed eventually stop asking himself.

    Thank you so much! <3333

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