Comment on Faithful

  1. Mr. Acts of Service strikes again with an almost-birthday surprise, and I adore this one.

    Corry, facing sixteen days home alone, musing on the excitement and trepidation of being done. Of going home, if whatever is next. Thinking about the people he loves. The first rumblings of trouble about Rach, although he doesn’t know it yet. His parents and Scotty obviously don’t have 32 days to devote to just keeping him company.

    (The aside about the Enterprise, obviously Scotty isn’t leaving that. Except, of course, Scotty’s devotion to Corry is greater.)

    I appreciate Corry musing on the very honest question—how do you step back into your life, after two years away from it? Even in then place and with the people you love? There’s no question that he’s been changed by the experience, by the people he’s come to know. There is no stepping back. Not really. Stepping toward, though. (Having had this experience, he’ll be better equipped when Scotty does too. Several times over.)

    And then Scotty. “You’d like you haven’t seen me in a year.” Very funny, lad. And Corry, entirely pole-axed. There’s the usual humor, the banter. But also a little space for Corry’s head to catch up, Scotty providing his best attempt at mindless chatter.

    And then, of course, the second half of the surprise. And maybe it is unbecoming to sob in each other’s arms on Vulcan. But it doesn’t matter; he’s almost home. (And I imagine Scotty is standing there to the side, grinning his largest grin. And trying to figure out why in the hell he feels like he’s about to cry too.)

    One of my favorites, I love this one.

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    1. Funny enough, I'd always felt this was one of the weaker ones, but it grows on me the older I get. LOL! If for nothing else than the 'His idea of a joke, apparently' line. Which was a very dry and Keillor-esque line in my head. Ha! But no, more seriously, it's such a huge thing Scotty did, but it doesn't feel huge to him, and that's part of what makes him so damn decent.

      I can't honestly quite imagine what Corry lived through, though I try to do it justice. I've always lived within the same two counties. Other people left while I was the one staying. (An experience Cor will get later.)

      I love that even for that time apart and the physical distance, tho, those two loved each other and never let that waver for even a moment. Something they rely on later, over and over. They miss one another fiercely, but the love never does waver.

      Thank you!

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