Comment on Perfectly Good Sunday

  1. I always love these slice-of-stories, especially when they are being silly and having a good day.

    Corry moaning about the leaves is always funny to me. (in a different universe, I can also see moaning about the leaves, but because he had plans to take his boyfriend out for dinner and dancing. While said Boyfriend is just happy to be spending the day with him.)

    Love the dig about Corry the playah, and that look back to whichever story that was, with the two girlfriends 😆 (and yet another universe Playah Corry picks up a cute guy eating lobster rolls and ends up keeping him)

    And I adore, adore Scotty absolutely teasing him about it all, putting on the accent for good measure.

    Corry was a gentleman the entire time, though not without being open to the hopes that maybe his date would like him enough that he wouldn't have to be gentlemanly after the dancing ended. Heh. Corry. 😁 (And Scotty, not really pulling it off but—eh. That’s not why he’s there, really.)

    Scotty figured it was just one of a number of ways that Corry was trying to get back into the swing of his own life -- reminding himself that he was still himself. And then, awww. Trying to get back to himself after so long away. Glad he is, glad it’s nice.

    And then the leaf pile jumping. Entirely delightful. Two mostly grown men, acting just exactly like boys. (Even—especially—if it’s a first for Scotty.)

    Hours of diligent work, for a moment of relative insanity, in a total disregard for structure and pattern. But, he decides, that’s the point. (I can imagine Corry trying to tell this story to a Vulcan, as an illustration of what he was trying to say. Illogical? Completely. Worth it? Always.)

    (I can also imagine a universe or two where the leaf jumping becomes leaf snuggling becomes leaf … whatever.)

    I adore this happy story with our two guys. For the content, and also for how beautifully you render it. I can see it, and just about smell the leaves. Gorgeous as always.

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    1. I can't remember exactly why I wrote this one. LOL! Maybe it was a prompt, I'm not sure. Nothing major happens in it, but it's cute and sweet and funny, which is perfectly okay anyway. XD And yes, I had actually contemplated how this would play out in that universe literally only a half-step to the left and figure probably it would go from leaf leaping to leaf macking. LMAO!

      I did love Scotty getting tackled into the leaves. And the way they were careful not to hurt each other even in the leaping and tackling. Because this is a fundamental part of childhood he missed and Cor has to make sure he gets to experience it. <3 Thank you so much!

      Last Edited Mon 18 Dec 2023 11:52PM UTC

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