Comment on Trust Love One More Time

  1. Embedded journalists are a conundrum, I tend to agree with Spock and you, the idea is excellent is theory and riddled with complications. Another being how a civilian likely underestimates the degree to which exploring space is unpredictably dangerous. It's a bit easier for Pike to be more confident in his plan because he has, so to speak, stacked the deck with a journalist he knows will treat the subject matter with respect. Kirk, Spock, and McCoy still have to build that trust in Cara and the photojournalist to come.

    Oh, I hope you continue to like Cara! Funny you mention Bonnie reminds you of Tilly, my OC Bonnie came to be in my Discovery fics and I decided to move her over to AOS. I always imagined Bonnie as a shy Tilly who was pushed into constant nervousness by serving under Lorca.

    Yes, of course, otherwise he wouldn't be Bones! Thanks so much for reading this chapter and for your note.

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