Comment on Warnings Unheeded in Darkest Night

  1. Oh, so wonderful.

    This is a chapter of dynamics.

    It starts with the dynamic between Nandi and Jiemba. This has to be awkward, but I’m glad that Jiemba is trusting enough of Nandi to give her her head, to go ahead with her plan.

    Then, there is the dynamic with Glal and his captain. Again, it is one that bears enough mutual trust that they can move forward.

    On the third hand, (as Mr. Arex would say), there is the crew dynamic before the away mission. Looking after her new Ensign, but trusting her to do her job. The reminder to Gael to look after all of them, not just her, no matter the feelings. The revelation there of a bit of a relationship, or at least something deeper there.

    And this gem: The security officer looked up from calibrating his phaser rifle, speaking in his peculiar, Oxonian-English accent. “Oh, yes indeed, sir. I remember it like it was just yesterday. I had my phaser holstered backwards and my pants on inside out before the captain fixed me up. It was awkward. I may have cried.”

    You’re balancing all of these dynamics and going-against-their-instincts so well.

    Well done, and thank you!

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    1. I'm so pleased you're enjoying the dynamics between characters here. There's a lot of history between these people, but I wanted to demonstrate that organically. And Trujillo's determined to be a mentor for Garrett, especially due to the circumstances surrounding how she came onboard.

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