Comment on Sliding into A Soul

  1. I'm unfamiliar with the characters, but this is clearly someone whose been in deep cover for a long time. It must be difficult having come from as cold and linear a profession as Imperial naval service, only to have to spend decades living amidst the noisy, frolicking, undisciplined throngs of Federation citizenry. Then again, for as much as the average Rihannsu must conceal their true self in their day-to-day interactions with others of their own species, perhaps pretending to be someone else is second nature?

    Nicely rendered!

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    1. I have to admit, I’m crossing some streams here, trying to reconcile canon with the Rihannsu-verse. I only recently found there were three books that I hadn’t read, thinking there was only two. I did have to read the end to make sure that Aidoann was alive. There will be obvious changes, but I think they can co-exist.

      You make a point that they conceal their true self. Aidoann does have the advantage of having been exposed to the merry band of the Enterprise, with all of their personalities.

      But this will be a challenge, as extended deep cover itself might be truly new to her. She is only a former officer of the fleet because her Commander basically mutinied and rebelled due to the lack of honor she was seeing in the Empire.

      You’ll see her again, perhaps with some others from those books, including Ael, the commander-general herself.

      Thanks for the read and the comment!

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