Comment on An Idiot's Guide to Gunboat Diplomacy

  1. A very good day.

    Trujillo shows true leadership in ‘coaching’ Withropp. Reinforcing that he did what he had to and that he did it exceptionally well, but talking about lessons he can take away from this.

    And the Klingons are doing something underhanded. Color me shocked. I like that you show that the increases in pirate activity correlates to the cuts in their military. A brawling, warrior culture would react that way to those cuts, as the Empire tries to evolve into something else.

    The Reykjavik’s crew are complete and utter professionals at what they do. So practiced and ready for this battle.

    Looking forward to more!

    Well done, and thank you!

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    1. Reyky (Wreck-y) and her crew are good at what they do, as they've had plenty of experience at it. I'm glad that came across as intended. Trujillo does tend to coach and mentor where she can, as she was fortunate to have received such from her own mentors in the past.

      As for the Klingons... well, strange things are afoot. ;-)

      Thank you!

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