Comment on Trial of Transfer

  1. The poker game is a reveal of call me Leo's growing name and popularity among many of the Crazy 8. Who knew that being an upstanding bloke could earn such loyalty or friendliness.

    Again, I'm struck by some stellar parts, I just visualise and hear so clearly in my head. This time, it's:
    A declaration of righteous admonition erupted from the commander, "I must tell you I am shocked - SHOCKED! - to find out there is gambling going on in this compartment!"
    Tom did not miss a beat. He approached the commander, tray in hand, and handed it to them. "Your chips, sir."
    "Oh, thank you, Tom, you're a true gentleman."

    A real laugh out moment for me, it has to be said. Although taking a fucking fuck at an unsealed stem bolt is a VERY close second. Along with a few other colourful expressions that lend to the down and dirty, off duty banter of some of the interactions. Again, it really grounds the characters and settings.

    Seeing the perspective from Kline now and getting a new person in Karen also helps to ground the story. It certainly opens up Kline's purpose too as there is a mission here that is being played out and Karen has a role in it all too as part of some larger organisation or purpose.

    Likewise, the offscreen Admiral Old Man is beginning to feature more prominently now, lending to some interest to seeing them. But meantime, Verde has Kline's plans to contend with...

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    1. The County of McCovey Cove

      I completely stole that scene from Casablanca. You can see the short grab of it here:

      Xaraq's a card, himself. :)

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