Comment on Close Action

  1. Keep it flying!

    Please do. We jump straight into the fray here. And in an unfolding situation, you masterfully play out the readiness to defend, the team playing out the calls and we get interactions and running internal commentary from Soibhan throughout that quick fire introduction - only for that quick fire introduction to be rudely interrupted by the exploding console! Damn you do like to keep readers on their toes. Pay attention folks.

    The switch to Kaylin's perspective lends of course a new perspective on what is happening. Again, an economy of words finds Kaylin realising what is happening aboard Chandra's starship and that something has happened to Siobhan given Decker has to take over.

    Again, we are tasked to read into so much. When Decker has the impression Chandra is communing with someone else, we can piece together the what of that. I like that we are and I like that we can appreciate the details from another character's point of view. Likewise, we are seeing Decker's assessment of Chandra matter-of-fact tone and the fact that we gather Chandra is going to have a lot of lessons to pick up from this whole attack going forward for the group.

    And what a group it is, with all of the Banshees seemingly carrying some fort of hurt. Throw into that rich cocktail of emotions a McCoy and well ... well you've got yourself a heck of mix.

    Decker steps up the mantle in the aftermath of Siobhan's injury and all credit to her for the quick action that brings things to an end quickly and just in time too. Likewise, credit to Chandra for opting to give that faith in Decker at such a time. It would be possibly easier to micromanage everything but she had to give her people the scope to do the job expected of them.

    In the aftermath of some doozy antics from Decker we have the reckoning of the hurts taken across the ship. Of course, I was thinking that something of Chandra character would be that despite her matter-of-fact tone she likely would feel the hurts of her true. But of course, I did not know at all about this actual facet of the Deltan nature (whether canon or by your own design, either way I am loving it). What happens though is that Chandra takes on some of the literal hurt, witnessed from Bones' perspective as he can put it down to tactile pain relief.

    "Like a dumbass, I ran for the chaos." Gotta love McCoy for this and like that we get a reunion for Chandra and McCoy. But what a bittersweet moment for McCoy to have a small sense of closure to Kirk's death and the torch being picked up.

    Loved the quick intro to action and the fact it served to introduce us to the other characters who will populate the story. It's fast-paced and yet it does everything it has to do. Apart from the character quick interactions and seeing people at their most raw, we glean glimpses of backstory and connections and it perfectly serves up the danger of this sector at this daring attack.

    And it keeps me wanting to read more.

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    1. Thanks again for a wonderful comment!

      Yep! I try to keep it jumping.

      Decker is trying to figure her captain out while being in a battle. Siobhan, Kaylin, and some of the others have some familiarity with her (Kaylin even more) from past experience. But Decker is literally thrust into this situation only months out of the Academy.

      A Deltan’s ability to relieve pain is actually canon’s creation. That’s an interesting insight into how she does it. We’ll find that Chandra has some issues that will play out with her abilities, but she is able to do that.

      I appreciate the thoughts about McCoy and his closure. In the timeline, Kirk died about three years before this and Chandra was on the Enterprise-B on that cruise.

      I am so glad it keeps you wanting to read more!

      Thanks again for the comment!

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