Comment on The Broad Pendant

  1. First off, it took me awhile to formulate a response to this wonderful comment! I really appreciate it and it made my day.

    I’m so glad to hear from someone who appreciates the Border Patrol and the lost era.

    There’ll be a lot to unpack with her Vulcan passenger, as well as for someone else who will show up.

    Lots of connections with the larger galaxy as well.

    Chandra has gone through a lot and it’s great that you recognize the controlled aspect of her personality. You’ll see more on that and how she got there, but it has to do with that trauma she received.

    She’ll have some strong women who have mentored her in her time. She is working on mentoring a few in her little world as well.

    I’m glad that the (mostly) controlled chaos works for the action scenes. I wanted to leave the reader with the idea of they might not know what happens next.

    Siobhan is a fun character to write. She’s got an interesting background for a Starfleet officer. Sorta in the realm of ‘only wanting to learn a skill so she could support her desire to be an actress or classical guitarist’. Would’ve been okay being an enlisted crewmember.

    Again, thank you so much for the comment. It truly made my day.

    I’m glad you’re continuing on the ride.

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